Alex 11 interpretation Flashcards
Emancipation edict
3rd march 1861. 23 million are freed
Bezdna revolt
April 12th 1861 riot
Petrov killed may 1st 1861
500000 riot
led by Antonm Petrov the illiterate peasant
91 killed
Zemvsta act
January 1, 1864
74% nobility who sit
School board
- Reforms brings 23000 schools by 1880
Chernyshevsky leader
Ideological novel What Is to Be Done? (1863),
Going to the people
Summer 1873-4
4000 students go
Faliure =by the autumn of 1874, more than a thousand arrests had been made.
1880 - further reforms as 3rd section is replaced with the okranha. is ‘softer’
Censorship Act
January 1, 1865
The government published its own newspaper: Ruskii.
300 newspapers by end of reign
1836 books were published in 1864.
The first Russian translation of Karl Marx’s Das Kapital was published in 1872.
Judicial Reforms act
20th November 1864
-introduction of jury trials
-could be guilty but not punished
-500 courts are established
Millitary reforms
-Conscription was 25 years for serfs
-Reduced to 6
-1874 - conscription same for all social classes
-corporal punishment’s in millitary banned
Land and liberty
Formed in 1876
Still aim to educate peasants
Peoples will
Formed in 1879
December 14th 1879 assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander II
Palace bomb
March 3rd 1880 bomb winter palace - 11 killed
13th march 1881 is killed
Attempts on life
5 attempts on his life 1866-1881
Economic refroms
2000 to 13000 miles of railway – 7x increase
2194 miles were opened in 1862, by 1878 13979 miles were opened.
3 billion rubles in debt as a result of the war.
Russia’s economy grew by 6% a year under Reutern.
By 1880, 94% of Russian railways were owned by private companies.
Depression in eurpoe doesnt impact
Business reforms
Encourages foreign businesses eg) Ludwig loop from Manchester developed the Russian textile industry, built 154 factories and equipped 187 factories.
The Nobel brothers from Norway invested in oil-wells in Baku
JJ Hughes from Wales established the New Russian, Coal, Iron and Railmaking Company
By 1884 largest producer
Education reforms
Found only 7% army was literatre
1864 -Zemstva are put in charge of new education and school boards. As a result, school places rose.
1870, a minister of education was created and took the role off the Zemstva. The government could employee and sack teachers and inspect schools.
Real gymnasia
1855-1865 the number of students in secondary education doubled.
23000 schools in Russia by 1880.
Universities were given more autonomy in 1863
1861 can leave pale and work
January 1, 1864
Over 40 across russia
Emancipation in Poland
January 22, 1864
one million peasants benefited from this reform.
Polish revolt
Jan 22nd - April 11th 1863
80000 killed
Education acts
Education reform act; April 23, 1863
The School Statute of 1864
Summary of Dates
Emancipation of the Serfs:
march 3, 1861
Judicial Reforms (Statutes): November 20, 1864
Zemstvo Reform: January 1, 1864
Military Reforms: January 1, 1874
Education Reforms (School Statutes): April 23, 1863
(Secondary), January 1864 (Primary)
Censorship Reforms: January 1, 1865
Polish Uprising and Repression: January 22, 1863 (Uprising
begins), 1864 (Crushed), 1867 (Poland’s autonomy abolished)
Tsar Alexander II’s
Assassination: March 13, 1881
Legal reform
1876: The government started to implement a new Civil Code
Attempts on life
April 4, 1866 - Dmitry Karakozov: Karakozov, a populist revolutionary, made an attempt to assassinate Alexander II by shooting at him in St. Petersburg.
April 15, 1879 - Andrei Zhelyabov: A member of the People’s Will organization,
December 14, 1879 - Attempt by another member of People’s Will: on carriage.
march 3rd, 1880 - Bombing at Winter Palace: . While Alexander II survived the explosion, 11 people were killed, and 50 others were wounded.
Finally, March 13, 1881, Alexander II was successfuly assassinated by a bomb thrown by Ignacy Hryniewiecki, a member of the People’s Will group.
Gentry land loss post emancipation
40% of land sold
197-78 million acres
Local Government
4000 local Zemstvo councils
in 40 provinces