WW2 Flashcards
Nazi Germany annexed the neighboring country of Austria
Unified ,
March 13, 1938
Anschluss of Austria
Challenges russian secucirty and influence over austria/hungary
Munich peace conference 1938
Britan/france fail to limit naxi invasion of chexclovakia
Shows they are unreliable allys
Nazi/soviet non agression pact
August 24th 1938
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
Operation Barb4aro1sa
june 22nd 1941
Party membership
3.7mill 1941 to 5.8mill 1945
Gov structure
Little impact on gov structure
Stalin chariman of state defence comittee/supreme millitary commnder
Takes advice from adivosrs succesfully
Politburo consitia of pro stalin leaders eg) Molotov and Krushcev
By 1941, it is estimated that around 30% of senior military officers had been executed or imprisoned.
Kill 89/103 milllitary admirals
1938 purged nkdv - 20000 killed
Millitary repression
- 3 million checnens deported
Leningrad affair – 200 supporters of powerful Leningrad party killed
- 8.7 million military personnel were lost.
- over 15 million civilians.
Foreign Help
-grand alliance placed in strong foreign policy siutation
Terhan confrence 1st dec 1944 – chruhcill accpets eastern europe as russian ‘spehre of influence’
Yalta 8th-11th feb 1945 solidifies influence
4th 5 year plan looks to reconstruction
Stops Stagnation that took place in war
Coal production increased by 70%.
Steel production grew by 50%.
Electricity output increased by 60%.
Volga-Don Canal
Public work scheme 1945-7
Causes 1947 famine
Kill up to 50000 in kahsakstan
Labour Repression
4 million POWs were used as conscripted labour.
By 1942-98% on collective farms to aid effort
110000 executions on the farms annually