Provisional government interpretation stats Flashcards
PG formed. 24 commissars of duma appointed
March 2nd 1917
Decree against death penalty
March 12th 1917
1st Refroms act - Abolish Okrhana
March 3rd 1917-
they abolished the Okhrana
they removed Tsarist Governors
they also allowed freedom of speech
they released political prisoners
they gave an amnesty to opponents of the Tsar
Leader of the provisional government
Prince lvov
Inflation 400% and 8 hour bread queues
Cost of meat 500%
The average worker’s wage was around 50 rubles per month in 1917 - No increase
rouble value
10 times lower in 1917 than before the war.
In poverty
War costs
22 billion rubles
Petrograd soviet
3000 members
Octoberists and Kadets who are more conservative
Mostly members of 1912 Duma
April theses - will promise ‘all power to soviets’ and ‘peace, land, bread’
April 7th 1917
=Mensheviks, social revolutionaries (want class conscience to being change/revolution) and Bolsheviks (believe need to rule on behalf of proletariat)
Foreign minister Milyukov resigns. 6 Menshevik and SR delegates join the Provisional Government, while Alexander Kerensky replaces Guchkov as war minister.
April 24th 1917
April crisis Demonstrations against war
20-21 April 1917
Dual auhtoirty
24 duma members, 6 soicalist ministers on PG
Kerensky offensive
18 June 1917 - 6 July 1917
Keresnky losses
60000 killed, 42,726 deserters and 82000 captured
July Days
3rd-6th July 1917
July days numbers
100000 plus riot. 700 killed. 1000 Bolsheviks arrested
Kronsdant mutiny
July 2nd 1917. 18 soilders killed.
Kornilov revolt
10th - 13th September 1917
Kornilov affair
2000 men attempt to storm petrograd
strikes escalate, 700,000 railway workers on strike; leading Bolsheviks released from prison.
September 1st-4th
Kornilov arrested
15th septmeber 1917
Bolsheviks seize power in Petrograd
October 24th 1917
take winter palace
October 26th 1917
Equal rights act
April 20, 1917
granting equal rights for all citizens, including the abolition of discriminatory policies against ethnic minorities and the Jewish population.
Decree on Freedom of the Press
April 18, 1917
The Provisional Government enacted a decree that legalized freedom of the press, allowing a wider range of political opinions to be expressed in the media.
September Strike
September 25–30, 1917
The strike in Petrograd began and was led by the Petrograd Soviet and other left-wing groups, including the Bolsheviks
By end September - 700000 strikes
1st general strike
April 4, 1917, a general strike occurred in Petrograd with an estimated 250,000 workers participating.
Putilov works strike
February 23–27, 1917
By February 25, the strike spread, with about 240,000 workers participating in the protests, calling for better living conditions and an end to the war.
Moscow general strike
August 20 1917
About 500,000 workers were involved in this general strike.
Lenin gains majority in PS
October 23rd 1917
Win by 10-2 vote
Bolshevik dominating body
Political prisoners released
March 5, 1917:
100000 prisoners released from St Peter and St Paul fortress
Land decree / Milyukov decree
July 8, 1917
The decree aimed to establish legal guidelines for land redistribution
Aid from west in war
By 1917, France had loaned Russia approximately 6 billion francs,
Britain had provided around 500 million pounds (roughly equivalent to $2 billion USD at the time).
By 1917, Russia had received approximately 600,000 tons of food from the Allies
War debt
13 billion rubles (about $6.5 billion USD at the time).
30% of GDP on military expenses during the war.
Support to stay in the war
The Kadets, or Constitutional Democratic Party,
Social revolutionaries
and Mensheviks (Moderate Socialists)
octoberisits - want a consutional monarchy
– hope for establishment of socialism and democracy post war
National revolutions
Establishment of the Ukrainian Central Rada March 17th 1917
-aim to form independent state
Declaration of Autonomy by the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) (June 1917)
June 15th -23rd 1917
Finland declared its independence from Russia on December 6, 1917.
The Polish National Committee (KNP) demanded independence
November 11, 1918 - Józef Piłsudski took control of the newly re-established Polish state,
Peasant revolt
350000 dessert
April 1917, reports indicated that about 1,300 peasant uprisings
Religious revoltions
Jewish Labour Bund (a socialist, Marxist-oriented movement that sought to protect Jewish workers’ rights)
Ukrainan rada
March 17th 1917
Baltics declare autonomy
June 15th-23rd 1917
Finland declare independence
Dec 6th 1917
Poland clain indepdnence
November 11, 1918 -