Russia industry Flashcards
Alex railway
Build 13000 miles of railway – 7x increase
2194 miles were opened in 1862, by 1878 13979 miles were opened.
Economic growth alex 11
Russia’s economy grew by 6% a year under Reutern.
By 1880, 94% of Russian railways were owned by private companies.
Depression in eurpoe doesnt impact
Ludwig loop
built 154 factories and equipped 187 factories.
JJ Hughes
By 1884 largest producer - 80% coal
Nobel brothers
from Norway invested in oil-wells in Baku
Bunge - 1882-1886
Salt Tax was abolished in 1881.
The unfair Poll Tax was abolished in 1886.
In 1883 a Peasant Land Bank was set up that lent money to peasants at very cheap rates to buy land.
The government started to buy back the railways. By 1911, 69% of the railways were owned by the Russian government.
Bunge is sacked after the Rouble collapsed in the mid-1880s.
Vyshnegradskii 1882-1886
Introduced the Medele’ev Tariff in 1891. - money exporting grain
-Leads to 450000 to die in famine
This was known as the ‘Great Spurt’.- 69% economy boost
*17264 miles of railway opened in 1891. 31125 opened in 1901
*Income earnt in industry went from 42 million roubles in 1893 to 161 million roubles in 1897
The Rouble was placed on the gold-standard in 1897.
Coal prduction increases 2x – iron /steel 7x
Stolypin 1905-11
Nov 22nd 1906 land refrom
1909-1913 GNP grew 3.5% every year.
However, by 1913 Russia only produced 10% of coal Britain produced and Russia’s GDP was 20% of Britain’s.
The economy collapses.
The government spent 1.5 billion roubles in 1913. The War alone cost 3 billion in 1916.
Prices rose by 400% between 1914-1917.
Decree on state
Nov 8th 1917 - no private business
30000 centralised
Decree on supreme economic council
Dec 15th 1917
SEC formed
Decree on workers control
Nov 27th 1917
-Given power
Civil war
Coal production was 29 million tonnes in 1913, it was 8.9 million tonnes in 1921.
In 1920 the Rouble was worth 1% of what it had been worth in 1917.
Falls 230 X
By 1921 90% of all wages were paid in kind (i.e. with goods, not cash)
March 21, 1921
Increases production
1921, the grain harvest = 37.6 million tons. By 1926 = 76.6 million tons.
By 1926, industrial output was about 200% of what it had been in 1921.
Stalins great turn - New cities built -
Magnitogorsk was built in the 1930s. It provided workers for a steel works and had a population of around 500000.
2nd 5 year plan outcomes
Oil (millions of tonnes)
Coal (millions of tonnes)
Steel (millions of tonnes)
Electricity (millions of kilowatt-hours)
5 year plan faliures
The first Five Year Plan was announced in 1929 (1928-1933).
It was scrapped in 1932.
1100000 killed for not meeting targets
Kruschev industry
1964, 1 in 77 Russians owned a washing machine (it was 1 in a 1000 in 1955).
4 people in 100 owned a fridge in 1964 (this is positive).
Kruschev 5 year plans
The Fifth Five Year Plan wasted a lot of money on hydroelectric schemes that failed.
The Sixth Five Year Plan was scrapped after two years.
Alex 11 agriculture
In 3rd march1861 the Emancipation Edict freed the serfs.
Loose 4.1 % income
Serfs owned by the state were not freed until 1866
Peasants had to pay for land through redemption payments which lasted 49 years at 6% p/a.
Alex 111 argiculture
1889 – land captains control peasants
Peasant Land Bank was set up in 1883. This allowed the peasants to borrow money cheaply to buy land
1891 great famine - 4500000 killed
Sets up relief lotterys
Nicholas 11 argiculture
Stolypin land refrom nov 22nd 1906
It became easier to merge small plots of land together.
1894-1914 2 million peasants left the countryside for the cities.
There was widespread peasant unrest in October 1917. - 77% of country
Lenin - War communism
The Cheka enforced grain requisitioning during the Civil War - executed peasants who were considered ‘kulaks’.
Sep 5th 1918 - decree on red teror allows total cheka power
By 1920, the grain harvest had fallen to approximately 37.6 million tons
20% of pre war levels
5 million die
Rations 200–300 grams of bread a day by 1920.
Stalin collectivisation
Between 1928-1930 30000 kulaks were executed and between 6-18 million were deported to remote parts of the USSR (usually Kazakhstan).
By 1930 58% of all Soviet households lived on collective farms.
In Central Asia many people still had a nomadic lifestyle. That ended. Kazakhstan’s population decreased by 75%.
By 1937, 93% of peasants were living on collectivised farms.
By 1941, 98% of all peasants lived on collectivised farms.
9 million were killed in a famine in Ukraine due to the poor implementation of collectivisation and poor weather1932-1934
Virgin land
1954 - aiming of turning the steppe over to grain production.
165 million acres of steppe was used for grain production in 1964.
Cities were adequately provided with food.
The Virgin Land Campaign was poorly planned with no crop rotation used. It led to environmental disasters, such as the Aral Sea drying up.
In 1962 the grain harvest was 140 million tonnes, in 1963 it was 107 million tonnes.
1962 Novocherkassk riots
2nd june 1962
23 killed
Alex 11 work
Bans children under 12 from working in factories in 1882.
Introduces factory inspectors in 1882.
Nicholas 11 work
9-10 hour working day normal in 1914.
A workers insurance scheme was set up in 1912 (pay wages if injured).
lenin work
The Rabkrin (Workers’ Inspectorate) was set up in 1920 to improve conditions. Has no power.
The New Work Discipline fined workers for mistakes. A fine of 10% of your wages was common.
Workers were shot if anti-revolutionary.
Stalin work
12 hours in 1932.
During the First Five Year Plan (1928-32) wages fell by 50%.
1100000 killed at kolkoz a year
25th/6th days of indutrialisaton
6 day work day
7 hour working day introduced in 1958.
In 1954 wages rose about what they were in the 1920s.