Russia opposition Flashcards
Alex 11 Peasant
Bezdna revolt
April 12th-may 1st 1861
50000 riot
91 killed
as red army sent
May 1st petrov killed
Alex 11 political
1863 - Chesreky
April 4th 1866 - Populist attempt on life
1876 - Land an liberty formed
1879 -pw formed
Dec 14th 1879 - 2nd attempt- Karakhoxv
March 3rd 1880 - WP bomb- 11 killed
March 13th 1881 killed
Alex 11 worker
1872 St. Petersburg strike
February and March of 1872.
1,000 workers
Oppose 14 hr days
Alex 111 Peasant
Volga famine 1891
-1.3million impacted
-450000 killed
1000 peasant protest in volga region
Aims to appease with relief lottery
Alex 111 political
1882 - okhrnana given more power
1889 - PW disband
May 8 th 1889 - Ulyanov, lenins brother and 5 others killed for a plot
Alex 111 worker
Jan 7th-17th 1885
Morzdov workes stike
19 killed
2000000 riot
N 11 peasant
350000 soldiers desert
April1917 - 4300 peasant revolts
N 11 worker
-Feb 3-8th- 24000 putliov works
Jan 22nd 1905 - 100 killed bloody sunday
May 12th workers day - 1000 seperate strikes
Feb 23rd - womens day stike, workers join 24th
PG - worker oppositon
General stike - April 4th 1917
Moscow General strike - August 20th 1917
N11 political
3000 murders by dissidents 1905-12
Feb 17th 1905 – Prince sergei
1905 - left wing Srs formed
Sep 8th 1911 - Stolypin killed
537 death penalty vs 25 in 1909
lack of power
October 23rd - communists win 10-2
Lenin Worker
Kronstadt Rebellion (1921): March 1st-17th 1921
100000 workers and sailors strike
50000 red army sent
1000 killed
Lenin Political
Eliminiates oppositon
Nov 25th 1918
eg) srs win 324 deats majority
37.6% vs bolsheviks 23.3%
10% of all srs purged
October 16th 1921
Decree on factionalism
lenin peasant
Tambovs rebellion
19 August 1920 – mid 1922
led by peasants and white army Antonov
240000 plus
15000 killed
Stalin worker
1932 Donbas coal miners’ strike
1000 challenge targets
Opposition brutally dealt with – over3.5 million workers denounced as “enemies of the people”- sent to Gulags
1.6 million people died in the camps between 1930 and 1953,
Stalin Political
1924-1925 –Clique of Triumvirate (Troika) as Stalin sides with Kamenev and Zinoviev to stop Trotsky from taking power.
Jan 1925- Kamenev and Zinoviev criticize stalins brutality to kulaks/peasants - removed from local party
1926-27 -Stalin sides with Rykov and Tomsky to have Trotsky and Kamenev removed from the politburo.
As Chairman of the Communist Party Stalin can influence who gets promoted to the politburo.
United opposition group formed by Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, oppose nep and want free speech – all excluded from politburo
January 1929 -Trotsky is exiled. Stalin is now the leader of the USSR.
Trotsky was murdered in Mexico City by the NKVD 21st august 1940.
Kamenev, Rykov, Tomsky and Zinoviev were all executed in 1938.
1935-1938 around 1/3 of Communist Party executed.
August 1936, Zinoviev, Kamenev and 14 members trialled
Stalin peasant
Peasants have no means to resist
Dec 27th 1929 - speech to ‘liquidate kuhlaks’
6-18million persecuted
Khrushev political
Limits other states having political agency
eg) hungary inaded nov 5th 1956
15 divsions 4000 tanks
3000 killed
Nagy executed for treason
16 June 1958,
khurshev peasant
Food riots in Novockeraks
June 2nd 1962
23 killed
N11 1905
Sep 23rd – beginning of moscow printer strikes
January 150000 workers from 382 factories took part in sympathy strikes.
22nd jan 1905 – bloody sunday – 50000 workers march
14000 were killed when the government repressed the Revolution
N 11 1917
1912 open fire on strikes at lena goldfeild – 270 killed
Aprl 1912 – 300000 sympathy strikes
1000 separate strikes in St. Petersburg on May 1st 1912 (May 1st is Workers Day).
feb 23-8th –10000 at putlov artillery stike – CASUES FEB REVOLUTION
February 500000 were striking in St. Petersburg, around 150000 soldiers deserted and joined the strikes