Agriculture/famine Flashcards
A 11 agriculture
In 3rd march1861 the Emancipation Edict freed the serfs.
Serfs owned by the state were not freed until 1866
Peasants had to pay for land through redemption payments which lasted 49 years at 6% p/a.
Grain 5 to 7.3 million
Beznda revolt April 12th-may 1st challenge conditions
A 11 famine
Famine and cholea of of 1871.
113,000 deaths.
A111 agriculture
1889 – land captains control peasants
Grain - 7.3 to 9 - 23% increase
Peasant Land Bank was set up in 1883. This allowed the peasants to borrow money cheaply to buy land.
The Tsar blamed the 1891 famine on poor farming techniques used by the peasants.
A111 famine
Mendeleev tariff
November 30th 1891
Great famine
This crisis resulted in approximately 1.3 million excess deaths over a five-year period,
with the most severe year, 1892, seeing around 450000 additional fatalities
n 11 agriculture
Stolypin land reform
Nov 22nd 1906
Unused land was made available for peasants to buy through the Peasant Land Bank
1913, Russia’s grain harvest
19 million tons,
It became easier to merge small plots of land together.
1894-1914 2 million peasants left the countryside for the cities.
N 11 famine
8 hour bread ques in ww1, inflation 4005
Famine as
Price of grain up 35% first 3 months on 1916
Production falls 92 to 76 million tonnes
Lenin agriculture
March 21, 1921
small private businesses allowed
30% by 1923 in private hands
1923: Agricultural production = 73 million tons of grain - 45% increase
Lenin famine
Sep 5th 1918
Total red army power to collect grain
Grain collecitivsation
-1919 - 5 million tones
by 1921 - 10 million tonnes
1921: The Povolzhye Famine (also known as the Volga famine) claimed around 5 million lives,
Rebel against war communism
19 August 1920 – mid 1922
up to 240000 riot
15000 killed
Stalin agriculture
. 1949, production of grain 95 million tonnes
Kolkhoz - peoples farm, 75 peasants in cooperative
sovkhoz - State farms
1930 - 58% live on collecitve
1941 - 98% live on collective farms
1932: 90% of all farmland in the Soviet Union was collectivized.- 2.5million housleholds
27th December 1929 - Party speech to ‘liquidate’ class
6-18 million kuhlkas exiled
1930 - 50000- killed
Stalin famine
1932-1933: 8 million people died due to starvation, particularly in Ukraine,
Decrease grain supply 6 million
Khrushev agrclture
Grain production 79 to 93 million across reign = increase
165 million acres
Costs over 60 million
get 140 million tones 1962-102 in 1963
Aral sea to 10% of original size
Khurshev famine
Shortages 1962
June 2nd 1962 Food riots in Novocherkassk – 23 killed