Edwards religion Flashcards
Book of homilies
July 1547
Erasmus’s english translations
Gloucester stats
: Hooper finds 71/331 know lord’s prayer, 10/331 know 10 commandments
Chantries act
Autum 1547 - closes 2400 chantries, 90 colleges, 110 hospitals
Chantries funds
Raises £610,000 (c.20% of monastic closures, £187M in today’s money).
Sacrament act
November 1547
the laity received bread as well as wine at Mass (Protestant) but re-affirmed real presence of Christ in both - transubstantiation.(Catholicism)
The repeal of the Treason Act:
November 4th 1547
Proclimations against iconography
Autum 1547, Feb 1548, Dec 1549
1st prayer book
Jan 15th 1549
-still has ideas of transubstantiation
1st act uniformity
Jan 21st 1549
Allows priests to marry, and singing for dead not allowed
Fast days remained, as did the number of Holy Days
5 sacraments not 7
The Catholic belief in purgatory was neither condemned or upheld
Worship of saints was not banned, only discouraged.
Clerical marriage was legalised. (15% of the Clergy were married by the early 1550s) `
Whit Monday
June 6th 1549
Last day for introduction of new prayer book
catalyst for western rebellion
1550 oridnal
Preists must wear a surplice (catholic)
Hooper arrested for 6 months in refusal
Stone Altars replaced with wooden tables
November 1550
Gardiner removed of sees
February 1551 he was deprived of his bishopric
Arrested in tower 2 years
Treason act
15th April 1552
Punishable by death to challenge royal supermacy
- 2nd act of uniformity
April 5th 1552
centralises the church to enforce Protestantism - less sacraments eg] ordination, support by Bishop Hooper who opposes wearing of surplice
2nd common prayer book
January 1552
Book of Common Prayer to be used in worship by November 1 1552
24 articles
November 24th 1552
written by Cranmer, confirms Protestantism
Reinforced criteria of Henry V11’s May 1543 ‘advancement of true religion’
Christopher Haigh describes as a “restrained Calvinism”.[204]
It affirmed predestination and that the King of England was Supreme Head of the Church of England under Christ
Northumberland Proclimations
December 1549 against iconoraphy
Vestments Confiscation
March 1551
Ostensibly religious reasons
but needed a ‘mass of money’
Putting away of Books and Images Act
1 February 1550
Bans idolatry/ superstitious books