giardia Flashcards
- What other names does Giardia disease go by?
a. Giardia Enteritis
b. Lambliasis
c. Beaver Fever
- Giardia intestinalis is a ___________ parasite.
a. Protozoal
- What other names does Giardia intestinalis go by?
a. Giardia lamblia
b. • Lamblia intestinalis
c. • Giardia duodenalis
- What is the main reseviour of Giardia intestinalis?
a. Humans
- What types of biardia are known in other animals?
a. Rodents – G. muris
b. • Birds – G. muris, G. ardae, G. psittaci
c. • Reptiles – G. muris
d. • Amphibians – G. agilis
- In 1681, ___________ was the first to observe the giardia trophozoite
a. Van Leeuwenhoek
- The giardia trophozoits was describes ________ years after initial discovery by Vilem lanbl.
a. 200
- Giardia was confirmed a pathogen in what year?
a. 1970
Giardia has been assigned _________ assembleges.
- Who is at highest risk of giardia?
a. Children
b. Tourists
c. Swimmers
- What percentage of people get infected with giardia in the developed world each year?
a. 2& aduclt
b. 6-8% children
c. >15% LMIC (Low to middle income families)
- Naïve populations to giardia have a _____% morbidity rate.
a. 20%
- Infections can resolve _________-.
a. Spontaneously
- Who is at risk of chrnic infection?
a. Immunodificent and immunocompetent
- What is the observed prevalence rate in animals? (6)
a. Puppies: 20-35%
b. • Kittens: 10-15%
c. • Foals: 17-32%
d. • Calves: 5-90%
e. • Lambs: 6-80%
f. • Pigs: 7-44%
- In 1998 there was a giardia out break aboard a ________, there were ________ people affected, contamination of water thought to be from a bunker in an ___________ port. The levels of ________ were to low.
a. US Naval Ship
b. Indoneasia
c. Chlorine
- There are two stages of the giardia parasite what are they?
a. Cyst
b. Trophozoite
- Describe a giardia cyst.
a. Cyst- 8-14 x 7-10 μm
b. • 4 nuclei
c. • Excysts to produce 2 Trophozoites
- Describe the giardia trophozoite.
a. Trophozoite- 5-7 x 10-12 μm
b. • 2 nuclei
c. • Large sucking disc- ventral side
- How is the trophozoite cyst transmitted?
a. Cysts
b. • Direct transmission
c. • Fomites
d. • Contaminated water and/or food
e. • Ingested cysts release trophozoites
f. • Trophozoites multiply & encyst in intestines
g. • Excreted in faeces
- What conditions can a giardia cyst survive and what are they susceptible to?
a. Survive well in cool, moist conditions
b. Remain viable for months in cold water
c. Two months at 8oC
d. One month at 21oC
e. Can also survive freezing
f. Susceptible to desiccation and direct sunlight
- What is the lifecycle of the giardia cyst?
a. Cysts responsible for transmission
b. Cysts & trophozoites found in faeces
c. Ingested by host
d. Importance of animal reservoirs unclear
- What is the incubation period of giardia?
a. 1-25 days
- How do most giardia infections present?
a. Asymptomatic
- What are the clinical symptoms of giardia?
a. Mild to severe gastrointestinal signs
b. • Sudden onset diarrhoea
c. • Foul-smelling stools
d. • Abdominal cramps
e. • Bloating, flatulence
f. • Nausea, fatigue
g. • Weight loss
- How long does the illness of a giardia infection last?
a. 1-2 weeks
- How long can the chronic infection of giardia last?
a. Months to years
Imunocommpetent people can build up an immunity to further infections (t/f)
- Giardia infection, particularly when chronic can cause issues such as (5)?
a. Malabsorbtion of nutrients
b. Viatamin difficencies
c. Weightloss
d. Debilitiation
e. Disaccharide intolerance
- How is giardia diagnosed?
a. Direct observation in faeces
b. Trophozoites
i. “Tear drop” shape
ii. Two nuclei & tumbling mobility
c. Cysts
i. Approximately 13 microns long
ii. Oval with 2-4 nuclei
d. Immunofluorescence
- What are the treatment of giardia, and chronic giardia?
a. Anti-protozoal drugs
i. - Metronidazole
ii. - Tinidazole
iii. - Ornidazole
iv. - Paromomycin
v. - Nitazoxanide
b. • Chronic cases
i. - May be resistant
ii. - Prolonged therapy may be necessary
- What animal species are affected by giardia?
a. Domestic animals
i. • Dogs, cats, ruminants
ii. • Horses & pigs
iii. • Others
b. • Wild animals
i. • Beavers
ii. • Others
- How does giardia manifest in animals?
a. Most infections asymptomatic
b. Clinical signs may include:
i. • Acute, chronic, or intermittent diarrhoea
ii. • Poor coat quality
iii. • Flatulence
iv. • Weight loss/failure to gain
v. • Light-colored mucoid stools
1. May contain undigested fat
- Giardia typically doesn’t result in gross lessions (T/F)•
a. True
- How giardia diagnosed?
a. Microscopic exam of faeces
i. - Stained preparations
ii. - Unstained wet mounts
b. • Cysts or trophozoites may be identified
- What treatment is there for giardia in animals?
a. Fenbendazole
b. • Albendazole
c. • Metronidazole
d. • Tinidazole
e. • Others
- How is giardia prevented?
a. Water
i. Do not drink contaminated water
b. - Untreated water sources
i. •Treat water before consumption
ii. • Boil water – for one minute
iii. • Filter (absolute pore size of one micron)
iv. • Chlorinate
c. • Food
i. • Wash all raw fruit and vegetables
d. Practice good hygiene
i. •Hand washing
e. •Don’t swim in recreationalwaters for at least two weeks after symptoms end
f. •Avoid faecal exposure
g. Limit environmental contamination
i. - Remove faeces promptly & clean surfaces
ii. • Keep pets indoors
h. • Vaccination- Dogs and cats
- What human impacts have increased risk of giardia infection?
a. Climate change
i. • Deforestation
ii. • Conversion to farmland
iii. • Different composition of bodies of water
iv. • Wildlife carriers forced into closer human proximity
b. • Human movement
i. • Population growth- encroach on wildlife
ii. • Crowded areas - poor water quality/sanitation procedures
c. • Water control projects: dams, reservoirs
i. • Large-scale breeding areas
Is the number of giardia cases increasing in Northern ireland?
The rise in cases of giardia is aas a result of foreign travel (T/F)
Which countries have the hiest prevelance of travel associated giardia?
India spain pakastan thailand turkey egypt cyprus morrocco tunisia
How long do the cycsts need to be exposed to chlorine for?
45 minutes
How do the trophozoites moves (2)?
8 flagella and tumble
How many cycts does it take to get infected?
In normal shiiiiites, what stage is most commonly passed?
What is another name for giardiasis?
Giardia Enteritis
Beaver Fever
Giardiasis is the most commonly reported intestinal disease world wide? t/F
What giardia is only found in budgeys?
G. psittaci
What giardia can you only find in blue herring?
G. ardae
Giardias is calssified under ____ assembledges and are designated ___ to _–? What is that based on?
a. 7
b. a-g
c. glutamate dehydrogenase gene
d. small unit RNA
e. triosephosphate isomerase genes
What percentage of people can develop a chronic infection?
Can anyone develop a chronic infection?
What practice happens with foals that increases the spread of giardia?
calves eat the momma shite
Why is lambs and calves so high in the catching of giarsia?
Intensive farming, stolen from momma, then stressed and more like ly to get sick from being in close quarters.
2-6% of dogs and cats are carriers… why?
puppy farms
Putting dogs into a kennel can lead to infection in domestic animals why?
stress reduces the immune sysytem
Why are the numbers of infections going up in UK and Ireland?
what is it not from?
climate change not travel
How many flagella does a giardia have?
How many cycts does it take to create an infection
10 more likely
How many cycts are excreted daily?
1-10 million
how are trophozoites released?
big ole explosive shites
What is the characteristic smell of the shite stuff? what does it look like? what is commonly not in the shite stuff?
a. eggs: hydrogen sulphide
b. scrammbled eggs
c. bloods
What is uncommon in the infection?
vommitting or fever
What persentage of people develop a disacharide intolerance when infected? most common disaccharide?