Aileen Ebola Flashcards
NP: Nucleoprotein function?
Wraps genome for protection from nucleases and innate immunity
What is VP35: Polymerase cofactor?
co-factor: supresses innate immunity by binding to RNA
Matrix Protein VP40: besides support performs what function?
Protects against innate immunity
GP: Glycoprotein trimer: G1 and G2: What does it bind to and what cleaves the decoy unit?
Cleaved by host furin into GP1/2 to form envelope with spikes. Also makes shed GP as a decoy.
What is sGP?
How does it aid against host defences?
How does the delta peptide aid the virus?
Pre-Small/secreted glycoprotein: Shares ORF with GP, cleaved by host furin into sGP anti-inflammatory and delta peptide viroporin
sGP seems to possess an anti-inflammatory activity as it can reverse the barrier-decreasing effects of TNF alpha. Might therefore contribute to the lack of inflammatory reaction seen during infection in spite of extensive necrosis and massive virus production.
Viroporin permeabilizes mammalian cell plasma membranes. It acts by altering the permeation of ionic compounds and small molecules. This activity may lead to viral enterotoxin activity.
What is the ssGP: Super small secreted glycoprotein?
The unknown function shares an open reading frame with the GP
What is VP30: Hexameric zinc-finger protein?
phosphoprotein transcription factor
What is VP24: Membrane-associated protein?
Blocks IFN-alpha/beta and IFN-gamma signalling. (blocks immunity)
What is an enterotoxin?
An enterotoxin is a protein exotoxin released by a microorganism that targets the intestines. Enterotoxins are chromosomally encoded or plasmid encoded exotoxins that are produced and secreted from several bacterial organisms. They are heat labile (>60⁰), and are of low molecular weight and water-soluble.
What did Garry (2021) publish in Nature?
That the Ebola virus can remain latent for an unknown amount of time in a host. The mechanism is unknown. The logic behind this argument is that there is no mutation to the virus as if it had been dormant when people are infected again down the line.
What type of zoonoses is Ebola?
Enzootic and Epizoonotic
What is epizoonotic
denoting or relating to a disease that is temporarily prevalent and widespread in an animal population.
What is the Name/Species of Ebola?
Species: Bombali, Bundibugyo, Reston, Sudan, Tai Forest, and Zaire
What is the taxonomy of Ebola: Order, Family, Genus, Species?
Order: Mononegavirales
Family: Filoviridae
Genus: Ebola virus
Species: Bombali, Bundibugyo, Reston, Sudan, Tai Forest, and Zaire
What serovars or clades are there?
Sudan (2): Sudan and SUDV/Bon (10% different nucleotides)
What is the Morphology of Ebola?
Structure: Thread like, in a hook or loop shape, sometime just a cylinder but rare. 7 structural proteins and 1 non structural protein: RNA: single stranded unsegmented negative sense strand. Surface Proteins: Glycoprotein trimer, VP24, Matrix protein VP 40, sGP, and ssGP Cytosol Proteins: Nucleoprotein, phosphoprotein transcription factor VP30, Polymerase, and polymerase co-factor VP35
What is the Survival of the virus of Ebola?
Latency within the host unknown but can survive
What is the Fatality of Ebola? published by who and when>
66% (Who, 2020)
What is the life cycle of Ebola?
Bat –> Primate / human/mammal/mosquitto –> cycles in human population
What si the infection route of ebola?
Cells: Infects monocytes, macrophages, & dendritic cells. Enterotoxin: release of toxic proteins in the intestines. Attachment: G1 and G2 trimer glycoproteins (2/3) bind to the DCSIGN, DCSIGNR, and αvβ3 receptor of the host cells. Enter: Catherin macropinocytosis. Endocytocisis: HOPS complex Endosome binds containing a NPC1 choloectrol transporter. Release: The nucleic acid is releasedand the nuclocapsid proteins dissociate Transcription: 7 mRNA Translation: glycoprotein trimer, VP24, Nucleoprotein, phosphoprotein transcription factor VP30, Polymerase, polymerase co-factor VP35, Matrix protein VP 40, sGP, and ssGP Budding: Disable Tetherin
What is interesting about the Matric protein of EBOLA?
The matrix protein (VP40) of ebola is particularly unusual because it adopts entirely different structures for its different jobs:
- hexamer in the virion structure
- octamer that binds to RNA and regulates viral transcription
- dimer involved in transport of the protein.
a two-molecule, butterfly-shaped “dimer” or an eight-molecule, wreath-like “octamer” form.
What proteins make up the nucleocapsid?
VP24, VP30, and VP35
What is the history of Ebola?
1967: Marburg virus detected in european lab workers
1976: Ebola first noted in Zaire and Sudan. Called Evola from the Ebola river in the congo.
1989: Ebola Reston discovered in Maquaues from the Phillipines: non-pathogenic to humans
1990: Ebola reston from Macaques from the Phillipines 1996: Texas study showed that the Ebola can be aerosolised 1998: The Thai forest was discovered
2008: Ebola reston in pigs from the phillipines Bundibugyo ebolaviruses described for the first time.
2014-2017: large outbreak in west africa 2015: Manilla Macaques 2018: Bombali ebola first recognised: sierra leone from free-tailed bats 2019: Vaccine developed Bombali in Kenya and Sierra Leone
What is the geographical location you can find ebola?
Zaire Ebola: DRC West Africa Sudan: sudan and DRC Thai forest: Cote devoire Bundibidygo: Uganda Bombali: kenya and sierra leonne Reston: phllipines Others: Reston virginia, manilla, UK and Itlay
What occupation is most at risk of catching Ebola?
Health care workers, exposed to bats and primates, lab workers
What is the main reservoir of Ebola?
What is the main reservoir of Ebola?
Who are the carriers of the Ebola ?
Bats: Fruit bats
Whoare soill over species for Ebola?
Antelope and busch pigs
What vectors are there of Ebola?
Mosquittos are implied
Is tranmission possible human to human in Ebola?
Sexual Transmission (sperm 512 days). Ingestion bushmeat or infected animal, breast milk. Salavia. Blood contact needle sticks.
Can Ebola be aerosolised?
What is the R0 of Ebola?
Can you get Asymptomatic ebola cases?
Asymptomatic: can survive inthesperm for days after and still be spread if there is no symptoms