Genral Anatomy- Intra, Triangles, Spaces Flashcards
Suboccipital triangle- boundaries, roof, floor, contents
Boundries- Rec cap post major, obliquus cap sup, obliquus cap inf
Roof- Deep fascia
Floor- post arch of C1
Contents- 3rd part of VA, sub occipital nerve, sub occipital veins
MM of the suboccipital triangle are supplied by what
Dorsal ramps of C1
Anterior cervical triangle: boundaries, roof, cotents
Boundries- Ant midline, inf ramus of mandible, ant border of SCM
Roof- skin, superficial fascia and investing layer of deep serve fascia
Contents: Carotid, submandibular, submental and mm triangles
Carotid triangle- boundaries, roof, floor, contents
boundaries:: scm, post belly of digastric, sup border of omohyoid
roof- skin, sub fascia, deep serve fascia
floor- hypoglossis, consttictor mm
Contents- CN 11, 12, carotid sheath containing common carotid artery, external carotid artery, internal carotid artery, internal jug vein and CN 10
submandibular triangle- boundaries, roof, floor, contents
boundaries- post and ant bells of diagastric and inf ramps of mandible
roof- skin, superficial fascia
floor- mylohyoid, hypoglossus, middle contractor
contents- submandibular gland, nodes, facial vein and artery, hypolossal + mylohyoid n
submental triangle- boundaries, roof, floor, contents
boundaries- ant bellies of both digastric and hyoid bone
roof- skin, subcutaneous fascia
floor- mylohyoid mm
contents- submental lymph nodes and submental veins
muscular triangle- boundaries, roof, contents
boundaries- sternocleidomastoid, sup omohyoid, ant middle of neck
contrents- sternohyoid, sternothyroid and thyrohyoid mm, thyroid, trachea, larynx
Post cervical triangle boundaries (3), roof (4), floor(5)
boundriees- SCM, traps, middle third of clavicle
roof- skin, fascia, platysma, deep cerv fascia
floor- splenius cap, lev cap scalene post, med, ant
contents of post serve triangle (6 vessels, 7 nerves)
vessels: subclavian artery, suprascap, transverse cervical, occipital arteries, subclavian, ext jugular
Nerves: great auricular, lesser occipital, supraclavicular, transverse cervical, trunks of brachial plexus, CN 11
Triangle of auscultation- boundaries, roof, floor
boundries- traps, lats, med border of cap
roof- skin/fascia
floor- rhomboid
Lumbar triangle- boundaries, roof, floor
boundaries- lats, ext oblique, iliac crest
roof- skin/fascia
contents- transverse ab
Inguina (hesselbachs)l triangle- boundaries, roof, floor
boundaries- rect ab, inf epigastric vessels, inguinal lig
roof- skin, ext oblique
floor- transversals fascia
where do direct and indirect hernias go
direct- thru hesselbachs triangle
indirect- deep inguinal ring
Femoral triangle- boundaries, roof, floor, contents
boundaries- inguinal lig, medial border of sartorial, add longs
roof-skin, superficial fascia, fascia lata
floor- iliopsoas, pectinous, add longs
contents- femoral nerve, artery, vein, fem canal (lat to med)
what’s inside/ outside the femoral sheath
inside- fem artery, vein and canal
outside- fem nerve