General Anatomy- Some Joints Flashcards
TMJ- classification, innervation, movement
Compound hinge + gliding jt (covered by fibrocartilage- more resistant to damage)
Intra articular disc separates an upper and lower compartment
inn. Auriculotemporal, deep temporal, mesenteric branches of CNv3
Where does protraction + retraction and elevation + depression occur in the TMJ
Upper- protraction and retraction
Lower- elevation and depression
What inn the glenohumeral jt
Axillary and suprascap n
Sternoclavivular jt- type, classification, inn
type- synovial with an intra articular disc
Classification- saddle type but behaves like ball and socket
inn- medial branch of supraclavicular nerves C3
Elbow jt type, classification and inn
type- synovial
classification- hinge
innervation- radial and musculocutaneous nerves
Prox + distal radioulnar jts - type, classification, inn
synovial pivot jt
inn- median, ulnar and radial
Wrist jt- type, classification, inn
inn. radial, medial, ulnar
1st carpometacarpal jt- type, classification, inn, bones involved
synovial saddle type joint
Trapezium + 1st metacarpal bone
Inn- radial and median nerves
metacarpophalangeal jt- type, classification, inn
synovial condyloid jt
Inn- median, ulnar and radial
What mm adducts/abducts the mcps
add- palmar interossei (PAD)
Abduction- dorsal interossei (DAB)
Interphalangeal jt- type, classification, inn
synovial hinge jt
inn- median, ulnar and radial nerves
Hip joint type, classification and inn
Synovial ball and socket
inn- femoral, obturator and nerve to quadrates femoris
What is the intra articular lig of the hip jt (+ what does it contain)
round lig of tea of the femur- from transverse acetabular lig and the rim of acetabular notch to fovea centralis
What are the extra articular ligs of the hip jt (+what do each limit/run from)
- Iliofemoral- asis to femoral neck (prevents hyperext)
- Pubofemoral- sup pubic ramus to lower capsule (prevents hyperabduction)
- Ischiofemoral- ischium to post part of capsule (prevents hyperextension)
Knee joint- type, classification, inn
Synovial modified hinge
inn- femoral, tibial, common peroneal