General anatomy- Gastro anatomy Flashcards
what is the aa supply of the foregut, midgut and hindgut
foregut- celiac trunk
midgut- sup mesenteric aa
handout- inf mesenteric
what does the foregut give rise to
prox half of duodenum
what does the midgut give rise to (3)
- distal half of duodenum
- small intestine
- prox half of long intestine up to prox 2/3 of transverse colon
what does the hindgut give rise to
to the rest of the large intestine from the distal 1/3 of the transverse colon to prox half of anal canal
how common is meckels diverticulum, where is it located, what kina tissue is it and how common is it
occurs in 2% of pop
2 inch long, 2 feet prox to the ileocecal junction
2x mc in males
made of gastric and pancreatic tissue
where is the t7,10,L1 dermatome lvls
T7- xiphoid lvl
t10- umbilical lvl
L1- inguinal region
How many layers is there in the ant abdominal wall and what are they from out to in
skin subcutaneous tissue mm transversals fascia exztraperitoneal fascia parietal peritoneum
what is the anterior abdominal wall innervated by
- lower 5 intercostal nerves (T7-11)
- subcostal nerve (T12)
- Iliofypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves (L1)
where is the arcuate line located
posterior to the rectus mm, midway between the umbilicus and the symphysis
how is the anterior + posterior layer of the rectus sheath made above the arcuate line
ant- consists of ext oblique aponeurosis and ant layer of internal oblique aponeurosis
post- post layer of aponeurosis of the internal oblique and aponeurosis of traverses abdomens
how is the rectus sheath made below arcuate line
ant- aponeurosis of the ext oblique, int oblique and transverses abdominis
post- only covered by transversals fascia
what are the contents of the rectus sheath (3)
rectus abdominis mm
pyramidalis mm
sup and inf epigastruc aa and veins
what does the peritoneum consist of and is it sensitive to pain
- is the inner layer of the abdominal cavity
Parietal layer- sensitive to pain (inn by same nerves as ab wall)
Visceral layer- not sensitive to pain but sensitive to distension
what is the abdominal cavity divided into and how are they connected
2 compartments: greater + lesser sacs
-Lesser sac lies behind the stomach and opens into the greater sac via the epiploeic foramen of Winslow
What are the retroperitoneal structures (9)
Ascending colon Descending colon Pancreas Adrenals Rectum (lower 2/3) Kidneys Aorta Inf vena cava Duodenum (2nd-4th parts)
what kind of epithelium is in the stomach and how many muscular layers are around it
columnar epithelium
what type of cells are located in the stomach and what do they each produce
chief cells- pepsinogen
parietal cells- hydrochloric acid, intrinsic factor