General Safety (ER 10-22-2018) Flashcards
3 C’s in an emergency
Call, Check, Care
How much potential stress can be placed on your back if a 75-pound object is lifted improperly?
up to 750 lbs
Most stretching exercises are done in repetitions of:
5 and held for 10 counts
Heel requirements for workboots
Heel must meet sole at 90 degrees and measures 3/4 inch in height at time of purchase, and no less than 1/2 inch at any time
impact and compression protection rating for work boots
I/75 C/75
75 pounds
A properly adjusted hard hat can absorb what percent of the force of a blow?
75 percent
ANSI rating for Hard Hats
Hard hats should be cleaned with
soap and water
3 types of gloves a technician might use
General work gloves
Climbing gloves
Insulated electrical gloves
how long are climbing glove gauntlets?
4 inches
Ear protection must be worn when a noise level exists above
90 dBA
Safety glasses should be marked with what?
2 scenarios when a face shield should be worn?
When handling batteries
Working around standby power supplies
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
OSHA Regulation for confined space
In general, voltages greater than____are considered dangerous
50 V
FVDs will sound alarm if a voltage is over
50 V
The FVD is equipped with filters to block
20Hz ringing and radio station signals
Three basic types of signs that may be located in a work zone
Traffic cones, drums, and barricades are all what types of devices?
Channelizing devices
What is the 2 foot -15 foot rule?
Warning signs and channelizing devices may be omitted where the work space is behind a barrier, more than 2 feet (0.6 meters) behind the curb, or 15 feet (4.6 meters) from the edge of any roadway.
Minimum height of a traffic cone
28 inches
Minimum Drum height and diameter
at least 36 inches high and at least 18 inches in diameter
What determines if a barricade is Type I, II, or III?
the number of horizontal rails
What are Type III barricades used for?
road closure
Three types of Warning Lights
Type A
Type B
Type C
Type A warning light:
Low intensity flashing should be visible at 3000 feet on a clear night
Type B warning light:
High intensity flashing,
Should be visible at 1000 feet on a clear night
Type C warning light:
Steady burn, Should be visible at 3000 feet on a clear night
any work zone that occupies a location more than 3 days
Long-Term Stationary
daytime work that occupies a location for more than 1 and up to 3 days or any nighttime work lasting longer than one hour.
Intermediate-Term Stationary
daytime operation that occupies a location for more than one, but less than 12 hours.
Short-Term Stationary
work that occupies a location up to one hour
Short Duration
work that moves intermittently or continuously
Mobile work zone
4 basic components of a traffic control zone
- Advanced warning area
- Transition area
- Activity area (includes buffer and work spaces)
- Termination area
The four types of tapers:
Shoulder, Shifting, Merging, and Downstream
Safety vests should meet what ANSI standard?
per the MUTCD High Visibility Clothing should be visible at a distance of:
1000 feet
OSHA telecommunications standard CFR number
What should a technician verify if approached by an OSHA Compliance Officer?
photo I.D. with serial number, signed by the Secretary of Labor