GENERAL BIOLOGY II (Part I) Flashcards
What is Genetic Engineering?
- the activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries
involves the use of molecular techniques to modify the traits of a target organism.
Genetic Engineering
Introduction of new traits into an organism as to the enhancement of present traits.
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering involves 2 Techniques :
Classical Breeding
Recombinant DNA Technology
An organism which has foreign DNA integrated into its genetic material.
Genetically Modified Organisms
What is the first process on the Recombinant DNA?
Cutting or Cleavage of DNA by Restriction Enzymes
What is the second process on the Recombinant DNA?
Selection of an appropriate vector or vehicle
A ___________is a circular piece of DNA in a bacterium.
Needed to transfer a gene into a host cell.
What is the third process of Recombinant DNA?
Ligation of the gene of interest with the vector
What is the fourth process of Recombinant DNA?
Transfer of the recombinant DNA into a host cell
What is the fifth process of Recombinant DNA?
Selection Process
What is the sixth process of Recombinant DNA?
Sequencing of the gene to find out the primary structure of the protein.
What are the 3 Ways on introducing recombinant DNA
Plasmid Insertion by Heat Shock Treatment
4 History of Earth (Geological Time)
What is the thing that is used to know how old the rock is?
Radioactive Dating
3 Era’s in Precambrian Life
Hadean Era
Archean Era
Proterozoic Era
88% of the Earth History
Precambrian Life
transformed from a ball of gas and dust to liquid rock enveloped with hot, non-breathable gases mostly composed of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and sulfur.
Precambrian Life
A single- cell ____________ existed
____________ rocks dated 3.5 million years ago.
Archaean Rocks
What is the First animal that existed in the Precambrian Period?
Coronacollina Acula
Movement of Tectonic Plates
Latter Part of Precambrian Period
Core and atmosphere cooled down
Latter Part of Precambrian Period
Aerobic eukaryotes
Latter Part of Precambrian Period
Latter Part of Precambrian Period
Known as old life 540 million years ago and lasted for more than 300 million years.
Paleozoic Era (Old life)
Paleozoic Era
Paleozoic Era
Paleozoic Era
Paleozoic Era
Paleozoic Era
Paleozoic Era
Laurasia & Gondwana
Paleozoic Era
Largest mass extinction in history occurred:
90% marine animal species
70% land animals
It started 245 million years ago and lasted for 180 million years.
Mesozoic Era
It is subdivided into three periods; (Mesozoic Era)
Cretaceous periods
Mesozoic Era
Dinosaurs and Birds
Mesozoic Era
Why did Dinosaurs leave earth?
Collision of asteroid and comets
This era started 65 million years ago and continues up to the present time.
Cenozoic Era “Recent Life”
Cenozoic Era “Recent Life” 3 Periods
Age of mammals
Cenozoic Era
This era is the development and proliferation of 2 mammals.
Cenozoic Era
2 Mammals
First Hominids appeared
Cenozoic Era
This era was significantly affected by the major extinction event that occurred between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago with 2 factors:
Cenozoic Era
2 Factors of Cenozoic Era
Melting Glaciers
Overkilling by Paleolithic Hunters
As climatic differentiation increased
Cenozoic Era
Flowers became more and more provincial
Cenozoic Era
Grasses also increased
Cenozoic Era
What are the processes of evolution that were proposed by some famous Scientist?
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Published a book that detailed the mechanism of evolution.
What are the 5 Theories of Evolution?
Natural Selection
Gene Drift
Gene flow
Recombinant DNA
The characteristics of organisms are inherited, or passed from parent to offspring.
More offspring are produced than are able to survive (resources for survival and reproduction are limited).
Offspring vary among each other in regard to their characteristics and those variations are inherited.
Name of the book made by Charles Darwin
Descent with Modification (1859)
_____________can only take place if there is variation, or differences among individuals in a population.
Natural selection
a heritable trait that aids the survival and reproduction of an organism in its present environment.
2 types of Mutation
Appearance of an organism as distinguished from its genetic makeup.
The genetic constitution of an individual organism.
This is a change in the DNA sequence of the gene. The __________ is a source of new alleles in the population.
______________ is the ultimate source of genetic variation in all populations
3 Outcomes or effects of a mutation:
It may affect the phenotype of organism in a way that gives it reduced fitness- lower likelihood of survival, resulting in fewer offspring.
It may produce a phenotype with a beneficial effect on fitness.
Neutral mutations will have no effect on fitness.
It is simply the effect of change. Another way a population’s allele can change
Genetic Drift
________________ in a population can lead to the elimination of an allele from a population by chance.
Genetic drift
Genetic drift can also be magnified by natural or human-caused events. (2)
Bottle Neck
Founder Effect
results in a large portion of genes suddenly being wiped out
Bottleneck Effect
when the genetic structure matches that of new population’s founding fathers and mothers
Founder Effect
The flow of alleles in and out of the population resulting from the migration of individuals.
Gene Flow
It occurs during meiosis when chromosomes exchange genes.