Food processing: Freezing Flashcards
Freezing guidelines
Choose good-quality fresh food
Chill before
Use fast freeze section
Open-freeze food likely to stick together
Freeze in useable quantities
Allow air circulation between packages
Label clearly, date when frozen, some only freeze for certain time.
Unsuitable for freezing
Veg with high water content, cucumber
Bananas, avocados blacken
Milk, cream, mayonnaise fat & water separate
Whole eggs - crack, can be frozen separately
Packaging foods for freezing
Moisture-proof, vapour-proof
Remove as much air as possible
Allow headspace
Label clearly
Freezer packaging
Polythene freezer bags
Waves cartons, plastic bozes, aluminium containers
Freezing vegetables
Prep veg for cooking Blanch veg for rec. time in boiling water. Chill in iced water Open-freeze that stick together eg peas In freezer bags & remove air. Seal & label.
Blanching times for vegetables
1 min - peas
3 mins - cauliflower florets, celery, parsnips, turnops, French beans, broad beans, broccoli
4 mins - onions, sprouts, carrots
Putting food in boiling water for short time to full enzymes. Plunge into cold water. Dry then freeze.
Freezing breads, cakes, pastries
Use breads & scones within one month of freezing.
Freezing meat
Separate burgers, chops.
Steak using waves paper.
Quick freezing
Forms very small ice crystals in food, help to keep food firm when thaws.
Slow freezing
Forms large crystals When thawed, food becomes soft, nutrients lost.
Blast freezing
Carried out commercially at temp -30C. Best method because cel walls not damaged.
Buying frozen food
Food frozen solid
Packaging properly sealed not damaged
Throwing frozen food
Follow instruc. for thawing on label.
Thaw overnight in fridge. Thaw thoroughly, esp meat & poultry.
Only defrost in microwave if intended to cook food immediately after thawed.
Do not refreeze thawed food unless cooked thoroughly first.
Advantages of using freezer
Food bought in bulk & stored.
Saves money.
Food available out of season
Retains colour, flavour, texture, most nutrients
Leftovers can be frozen, used later, saves money
Freezing home-grown produce saves money
Freezing - why is it done?
Reduces temp, micro-organisms inactivated & cannot grow (-18C to -30C)
Changes water in food to ice, micro-organisms cannot grow w/o moisture (water)