Final exam: HIV/AIDs, Tubulosis Flashcards
_______ when immune sys fails to provide required protection
Immune deficiency
________ Consequence, increases susceptibility to cancer and infections compromised immunotherapy such as vaccination
Immune deficiency
_______ has two types
- Acquired immune deficiency (secondary immune deficiency
- Congenital immune deficiency (primary immune deficiency)
Immune deficiency
_______ from birth B. cell Tcells thymes absence.
Congenital immune deficiency
(primary immune deficiency)
_____ Aging process radiation/chemotherpy or drug. infects agent like HIV measle tuberculosis. malnutriotion and stress o corticosteriod are toxic to T-cell
Acquired immune deficiency
(secondary immune deficiency)
______ orginate and mature in bonemarrow
_____ orginate in bone marrow, mature in thymes
__1___ syndrome with many other complications ___1___is caused by HIV, a retrovirus
1st reported in 1981 in LA, NY and SF
______ infection Virus has entered the body and is replicating. may or may not process to AIDS
__________ collections of signs and symptoms of disease associated with a common pathology
_____ is
- high mortality and morbidity
- extended asymptomatic stage
______ life long infectiousness 15-25 years due to the latene established because of the provirus.
_______ cannot be elimated
_______ highly mutable virus, reverse transcript lack proof read and activity constant change in surface antigen composition.
AIDS ______ enbles the virus to ascape host defense synthesis and creates a major obstacle for vaccine portion
surface antigen cmposition
Lethality of _____mainly due to fact that virus targets critical component of immune system CD4, T helper cells and depletes it over time
Lethality of ____ individual develops weakened immune system; susceptible to opportunistic pathogens
Misconceptions against _____ in Gay Men’s and AIDS epidermic is under control
_____ more aggressive common in developed nation
______ less aggressive common in afrrican nation but more death
HIV ll
_____ particles are Genome RNA, Capsid, Envelope, t-RNA, Enzymes, spike and matrix
_____ genomic RNA have structural genes and non structural genes
HIV genomic RNA has _____ genes that are Gag, Pol and Env
Structural genes
HIV genomic RNA have _______ genes which has a regulatory proteion and asscessory protein
non structural genes
HIV genomic RNA have Non structural genes which has a ________ is essential for replication
regulatory proteion
HIV genomic RNA have Non structural genes which has a ________ that enchances replication and/or infectivity
asscessory protein
HIV Genomic RNA structural genes of _____ is group specfic antigen makes viral ucleocapsid.
HIV Genomic RNA structural genes of _____ codes for viral enzymes
HIV Genomic RNA structural genes of _____ codes for the 2 surface proteins the gp causes synctia formation
______ Transmission: vehicles include, semen, vaginal and rectal fluid ( major modes), breast milk transfusion of infected blood, clotting factors or IgG
_______ must pass directly from person to person, pol blood plasma
_______ transmission is High risk of sharing needle, tattos and body piercing if instrument are not sterile.
______ no risk or minimal risk associated with social kissing/hugging, toilet seat sharing and insect bite
_______ has 9 million new cases each year, its a globle health problem
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
________ it’s agent is slow growing from 48 to 72 hours.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
_______ Cell wall: waxy, mycolic acid contributes to inherent antimicrobial resistance
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
______ Host unaware of infection; resistance is influenced by,
- presence of other illness ( such as diabetes, immunocompromised condition, pneumonia, HIV AIDS))
- physical or environmental factor
- overcrowding and malnutrition
- individual stress, alcohol, smoking and drug abuse
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
______ Organs affects pulmonary and extra pulmonary TB ( bones, meninges and lymphatic system)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
_______ Primary, reactivated ( secondary), latent and disseminated TB
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
_______ step 1, Mycobacterium typically infect the respiratory tract via inhalation of respiratory droplets from infected individuals
Primary tuberculosis
______ step 2 macrophages in alveoli phagocytize mycobacteria but are unable to digest them, in part because the bacterium inhibits fusion of lysosomes to endocytic vesicles
Primary tuberculosis
______ step 3, bacteria replicate freely within macrophages, gradually killing the phagoctes. bacteria released from dead macrophages are phagocytized by other macrophages, beginning the new cycle
primary tuberculosis
_______ step 3 inected macrophages present antigen to T lymphoctes, which produce lymphokines that attract and activates more macrophages and trigger inflammation. tightly packed macrophages surround the site of infection, forming a tubercle over two to three month period
primary tuberculosis
______ step 5, other cells deposit collagen fibers, enclosing infected macrophages and lung cells within the tubercle. inected cells in the center die. releasing M. tuberculosis and producing caseous necrosis the death of tissue that takes on a cheese like consistancy due to protein and fat released from dying cells,. A stalemate between the bacterium and the body’s defenses develops
Primary Tuberculosis
______ when bacterial cells breaks the deadlock and ruptures the tubercle and restablish an active infection, common in immunocompromised individuals
Secondary tuberculosis
_______ when bacterial cells are carried inside macrophages via blood and lymph to other sites ( bone marrow, kidneys, spleen and CNS)
Disseminated tuberculosis
_______ is a virulence factors which is slow growth of the bacteria that secretes cord factor, toxic to maimalia cells, mutant bacteria with no cord factor secretions
dissemiated tuberculosis
______ is non lethal mycolic acid is presence, it retain H2O and restrict antibotics which resistance to dehydration and dessication. bacteria retain its H2O
disseminated tuberculosis
______ Diagnosis and treatment are Multiple drug therapy; long treatment, drug discontinuation, prime factor for resistant strain emergence MDR and X-MDR strains
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
_____ resistant to isoniazid riframpin
________ resistant invites to 3 antituberculosis drugs in additional to isonizid riframpin
X-MDR strains
_______ purified protein derivatia (PPD) is used; injected subcutaneously, observed 24 -72 hrs
Tuberculin test
______ after Diagnosis: confirmed by sputum culture and chest X ray (tubercles)
Tuberculin test:
______ prevention mainly by Bacillus Calmette and Guerrin(BCG) vaccine is limited to high risk individual (health care workers
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
_______ (BCG vaccine) is use M.bovis as alternate cell vaccines which always come out positive after PPD test, so they discontinued this vaccine
______ diseases previously significant health problems and their incidence had decreased for time period but now once again are major health threats
Tuberculosis Deadly Reemerging ID (RID)
______ Re-emergence partially due to
- HIV / AIDS epidemic
- Complicated immunodeficiency ( viral or otherwise) aggravates risk of progression from latent to active TB
- anti TB drugs slowed spread for some time
- drug resistant and MDR forms emerged due to discontinuance of anti TB drugs
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
______ use is restricted in DR + MDR, Inhibits ATP synthesis tit’s action and FDA 2013