final 7-8 Flashcards
a form of learning in which animals or people make a connection between two stimuli that have occurred together such that one predicts the other.
Classical Conditioning
one of the most prominent figures in the history of psychology.He examined secretions made by various parts of the digestive tract, including saliva, which is produced in the mouth to start the digestive process
Ivan Pavlov
a stimulus that causes a response automatically, without any need for learning. Food certainly fits that description, since a dog instinctively salivates to food as a natural biological reflex.
Unconditioned stimulus
the automatic response to a stimulus that occurs naturally, without any need for learning.
, unconditioned response
a formerly neutral stimulus that now causes a response because of its link to an unconditioned stimulus.the dog salivates to the sound of the bell even if there is no food.
Conditioned stimulus
the response to a conditioned stimulus acquired through learning. This salivation—specifically, salivation in response to the bell rather than the food
, conditioned response
a stimulus that causes no response at all. He used sounds such as a bell for the neutral stimulus because its sound produced no salivation (or any other reaction) in the dog
Neutral Stimulus
a form of learning in which the consequences of a voluntary behavior affect the likelihood that the behavior will recur.
Operant Conditioning
one of the most influential of American psychologists. A behaviorist, he developed the theory of operant conditioning – the idea that behavior is determined by its consequences, be they reinforcements or punishments, which make it more or less likely that the behavior will occur again.
B.F. Skinner
positive reinforcement
Increase frequency of behavior by getting something good. involves getting something desirable (doesn’t mean good) a college football team earning a trophy for winning a bowl game
involves removing something undesirable. Increase frequency of behavior by removing something bad ( doesn’t mean bad) homeowner getting rid of bugs by calling an exterminator
negative reinforcement
Decrease frequency of behavior by getting something bad, a parent who spanks a child for cursing. (adding something undesirable)
positive punishment
Decrease frequency of behavior by removing something good, parent who takes away a child’s handheld video game system. (subtracting something desirable)
negative punishment
is the process of gradually learning a complex behavior through the reinforcement of each of its small steps.
. Shaping
learning that occurs as a result of observing others’ behavior and consequences rather than your own
Observational Learning