Exam 3 - Semen Collection & Artificial Insemination Flashcards
how is the increased utilization of superior sires an advantage for artificial insemination?
males used for AI are more carefully selected
fertilizing ability of frozen semen is maintained indefinitely (semen quality won’t be better after freezing)
can breed more females
how is physical access to semen a benefit of artificial insemination?
preserved semen can be transported
eliminate the need for all breeders to maintain males (lowered expense & danger)
how can artificial insemination reduce venereal disease transmission?
if you screen the males & their semen for transmissible diseases prior to use, you can reduce transmission
what are the advantages of using artificial insemination?
increased utilization of sires
physical access to semen is better
can reduce venerable disease transmission
reduce stress & disease associated with animal transport
maintain health status of closed herds
what are the disadvantages of artificial insemination?
must detect estrus/impending ovulation (problem in cattle)
trained technicians are required - need for semen collection/handling/processing/thawing, technique & efficiency for AI must be good, & retraining is required periodically (or evaluation of success)
potential for rapid spread of genetic defects - arthrogryposis in cattle & HYPP in horses
genetic base can be narrowed - over breeding with a smaller number of males
what is evaluated when looking at semen after collection?
appearance, volume, concentration, motility, & morphology
what characteristic of semen is the easiest way to evaluate sperm quality?
motility, need forward moving direction
what makes up processing of semen for AI?
varies with species - sperm tolerance (diluents & temperatures)
varies with use:
live cover - fresh semen
cooled - important for stallions
what is used to calculate the amount of sperm present in semen?
the volume ejaculate & concentration of sperm
do we measure volume of semen when using the electroejaculator? what about an artificial vagina?
electroejaculator - no
artificial vagina - yes
what are the advantages & disadvantages of using an artificial vagina for bovine semen collection?
best for semen preservation & most physiologic representation of sperm
hardest technique to use - need an immobilized mount source (breeding phantom best for disease control)
what is the most common technique used for semen collection & evaluation in beef bulls? what are the disadvantages of it?
proper technique is important & semen evaluation is mostly representative for motility & morphology but not for counting sperm numbers
what are the disadvantages of using trans-rectal massage for semen collection from cows?
results are variable & there is lower sperm motility & viability using this method
what is the best insemination time used for AI in cattle?
AM;PM rule
estrus detected in the morning - breed in the afternoon/early next morning
estrus detected in the afternoon/early evening - breed the next morning
what is the best timing for post-partum rebreeding in cattle?
40-60 days post partum has the highest pregnancy rate at 50-60%
how is frozen semen used for AI in cows?
thawing at 95°F for about 30 seconds
make sure the AI gun is warm, clean, & dry - cover with a clean disposable plastic straw & keep the straw-loaded gun warm & go promptly to the cow & breed it
what is the insemination technique used in cattle?
restrain the cow & remove excess stress - remove feces from rectum & identify the cervix
clean vulva/vestibule & advance AI gun through the vagina to the external os & pull the cervix cranially to straighten the vaginal folds - work the cervix caudally over AI gun
deposit semen in the uterine body - don’t go too far into the horns (short uterine body)
what is the preferred way to collect semen in sheep? why? what is necessary for storing it?
artificial vagina & they mount a teaser ewe - best for both representativeness & quality making it the best for semen preservation
temp 40-45°C & pressure are critical!!!!
what is the disadvantage of using electro-ejaculation for semen collection in sheep?
proper technique is important, so it is easy to screw up - samples are often inconsistent with large amounts of seminal fluid
but if adequate, can be used for preservation
T/F: for semen collection in goats/sheep, 1 thrust is all that is seen with ejaculation
T/F: AI of sheep is more common in australia & new zealand than the USA
why is trans-cervical insemination difficult to do in sheep?
the ewe has cervical rings that are very off set, so it is hard to pass an AI pipette through them because of the tortuous nature of their cervix
how is vaginal insemination used in sheep?
need 500 X 10^6 sperm - pregnancy rates about 30-40%
elevate the hind end & allow them to stay that way several minutes after being inseminated
what method of AI provides the highest pregnancy rate in sheep? how is it done?
laparoscopic insemination - semen is deposited in the lumen of the uterus (40 X 10^6 liver sperm)
pregnancy rates > 75%
what is the difference between a ram & a buck?
ram - male sheep
buck - male goat
which is more ‘sensitive’ to electro-ejaculation, bucks or rams?
bucks more sensitive than rams
how is semen collection done for bucks & rams?
bucks may be easier to collect than rams
readily will mount teaser doe & ejaculate into artificial vagina
how is electro-ejaculation performed in bucks & rams?
hold the extended penis with a piece of gauze
collect dribbling semen from urethral process
why can you do trans-cervical insemination in female goats?
unlike ewes, they don’t have the tortuous rings in their cervix, & they are better aligned
with the doe restrained & hindquarters elevated, use a lighted speculum & deposit semen as far cranial as possible in cervical canal
why is an ovariectomized mare used for semen collection in horses?
she has no progesterone at any time, so she is in heat essentially 24/7 & can serve as a mount for an artificial vagina
what is the purpose of semen extenders for horses?
protects sperm & prolongs their survival with buffers (protects against cold shock), nutrients, & antibiotics with most being milk based
what is the insemination dose for fresh & cooled semen for AI in horses?
250-500 X 10^6 progressively motile sperm
what is the insemination dose for frozen thawed semen for AI in horses?
600 to 800 million sperm with greater than 30% motility
what insemination timing is used in horses?
within 48 hours prior to ovulation!!
with fresh - while they are in estrus starting on the 2nd or 3rd day of heat
what insemination timing is used for cooled sperm for the best pregnancy rates in horses?
within 24 hours of ovulation - verify with palpation/ultrasound, need a follicle bigger than 35mm (use hCG & deslorelin to fine tune the ovulation)
what insemination timing is used for frozen thawed sperm for the best pregnancy rates in horses?
within 6-8 hours of ovulation - verify with palpation/ultrasound
timed from hCG or GnRH agonist administration (24 & 40 hours or 30 & 42 hours)
what AI procedure is preferred for frozen semen & semen of lesser quality in horses? how is it done?
deep horn insemination
semen is deposited in the tip of the uterine horn ipsilateral to ovulation (you will need to know which ovary will be ovulating the follicle)
what is the standard insemination technique used in horses?
aseptically prepare the mare’s perineum & have the semen drawn into a syringe (10-30mL is best)
insemination pipette is passed to the anterior vagina with the operator wearing a sterile lubricated arm sleeve
identify the cervix & pass the pipette into the uterine body
slowly expel the semen from the syringe into the uterus
when may you AI a horse through a speculum?
if they have a low caslick’s in place with the vulvar opening being too small
what should you clean prior to semen collection from a boar?
clean out their preputial diverticulum!! can get urine & smegma up in there
why not use latex gloves when collecting semen off of a boar?
latex is toxic to boar sperm
how long does it take for complete ejaculation from a boar?
5-8 minutes
what is the gloved hand technique for boars?
the fingers in a vinyl glove mimic the sow’s cervix
what is the most common semen collection method used in boars?
breeding phantom
T/F: boar semen usually doesn’t freeze well
when should you ideally inseminate a sow if using cooled semen?
24-48 hours after collection
how long do basic extenders maintain boar semen? what about the newer ones?
basic: up to 3 days
newer: 5-10 days of storage
when placed into the vagina, once in contact with the sow’s cervix, how is the AI pipette rotated?
how long does estrus last for sows & gilts? how does this affect insemination?
sows: 1-4 days
gilts: 1 day
want to inseminate them 6-10 hours prior to ovulation - they ovulate closer to the end of estrus
why is the sow unique in regards to minimum volume of insemination dose?
they have extremely long uterine horns - so they need a minimum volume for insemination
what is the insemination dose for fresh semen for AI in pigs?
2 X 10^9 motile sperm in 100 mL volume
1 X 10^9 motile sperm in 50 mL minimum
when does ovulation occur in pigs? how does this influence the AI plan?
38 to 42 hours after the onset of estrus
mate them twice to increase the number of piglets in a litter & use different boars to increase pregnancy rate & litter size
sows (estrus 2-3 days) - mate them early & late on 2nd day of estrus or on 2nd & 3rd day
gilts (estrus 1-2 days) - mate them late on the 1st day & early on the 2nd day