Exam 3 Chapter 15 (Adolescence: Cognitive Development) Flashcards
key developments to cognitive ability during adolescence
analyzing, realizing, and problem solving
what period of piagets stages of cognitive development are we in?
formal operational
what are the distinguishing features of cognitive development during adolescence
- abstract thinking
- hypothesize more about the world
- ability to fantasize
- ability to speculate
- can think outside of the “now”
- can use inductive and deductive reasoning
types of thought that characterize the formal operational period (age 15 ish)
describe the development of scientific reasoning during adolescence
-reasoning develops gradually until about 15.
-in childhood, kids use the trial and error method, but adolescents can use reasoning to make and test hypotheses
what is the “game of thinking”
-flavell theorizedthat there were different stages of problem solving correlates with age
-at approximately 15 kids can evaluate either or problems
Finally, in adolescence and beyond, individuals develop metacognitive abilities, which involve reflecting on and monitoring their own thinking processes. They become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses in thinking and can employ strategies to enhance their cognitive abilities.
what are some ways adolescents use logic?
- the game of thinking
- debate
how do adolescents use logic in debate?
they are able to put themselves in positions they do not necessarily hold
what are some critiques of piagets reasonings?
-he was working with a limited dataset and his theories are not culturally encompassing
what is the definition of adolescent egocentrism?
adolescents thinking intensely about themselves, and what others think about them. They see themselves as more central on the social stage than they actually are
what is an imaginary audience
apart of adolescent egocentris where adolescents fantasize about how others will react to the,
ie.) spending a lot of time getting ready
example of how kids are now able to think logically but don’t always
what are the aspects of adolescent egocentrism?
-imaginary audience
-school phobia
-fantasies and fables
what is school phobia?
-fear of school centered on appearance
ex.) maddie wouldn’t go to school because she had a bump in her ponytain
what are the fantasies and fables that occur during adolescence?
- invincibility fable
- personal fable
what is the invincibility fable?
the idea many young people have where they feel they are somehow immune to the laws of mortality and probability
ie) teens making poor driving decisions esp. with others in the car, or walking on the train tracks for fun
what is the personal fable ?
when adolescents imagine their own lives as heroic and legendary
ex. you thought you were going to play D1 softball
what are STIs and what are some common ones?
all infectious diseases spread by sexual contact
-leading cause of infertility for women
what percentage of all sexually active individuals do sexually active 15 to 24 year olds make up?
sexually acrive 15 to 24 year olds are responsible for what percentage of STIs?
how many STI’s occur each year?
20 million
what percentage of US HS students had sexual intercourse? what about within the past 3 months?
what percentage of US HS students used a condom last time they had intercourse?
what percentage of US HS students use a form of contracaption?
what percentage of US HS Students used drugs or alcohol before the last time they had sex?
what percentage of US HS students had physically forced sex or sex they didn’t want?
what percentage of US HS students have4 or more sexual partners?
what are some possible explanations for STIs and adolescent pregnancy?
- increased sexual activity
- too informed(No)
(abstinence only ed) - invincibility complex
- stigma around sex so kids dont’ talk about how to have it safely
- disparity between the limbic system and prefrontal coretx
how do teen pregancy rates in the US compare to Europe>
rates of European teen pregnancy are less than 1/2 what they are in the US
how many unplanned pregnancies occurr in the US each year
what are the consequences of pregnancy?
-under 16 can have serious pregnancy complications
-lower overall high school graduation rates for mothers
-problems compound and the expenses of a child and the lack of a diploma puts people into povertyw
what was the cost (in 2020) to raise a child to 18