Exam 2 Quiz Questions Flashcards
What bones belong to the axial skeleton?
Skull, vertebral column and thoracic cage
What is the one unpaired facial bone?
What pair of bones meet at the sagittal suture?
Parietal bones
What hole in the occipital bone does the spinal cord travel?
Foremen magnum
When someone has a pain behind their ear lobe and diagnosed with mastoiditis what bone is affected?
Temporal bone
What is the only moveable bone in the adult skull?
What bone doesn’t articulate with any other bones?
Hyoid bone
What are the soft spots in the skull of an infant called?
What region is vertebrae fused in adults?
Sacral vertebrae
What does the first cervical vertebrae or Altas lack?
Vertebral body or spinous process
What’s the function of the foramen magnum?
Goes through the spinal cord
Where is the alveoli found?
Above and below teeth
What’s the cranial bone inside the nasal bone?
Ethmoid bone
What passes through the mental foramen?
What articulates with the occipital condyle?
What too bones articulate with the true rib?
Sternum and vertebrae
What bone articulates with the false ribs?
What bones articulate with the floating ribs?
What bone articulate In the rib cage directly and indirectly?
Directly- true ribs
Indirectly- false ribs
What’s the function of the atlas?
Holds the head up
What’s the function of the axis?
Allows for head movement
What’s only found in the cervical vertebrae?
Transverse process
If there is a break in the shaft of the bone what is affected?
The diaphysis
Bones are constantly undergoing resorption. What cells do this?
What structure in a bone persists for life?
Articular cartilage
How does bone grow?
By pushing the epiphysis away from the diaphysis
What does appositional growth produce?
Bone growth in width
What does bone growth require the activity of?
What dietary requirement for bone health can be made in response to skin exposure to UV light?
Vitamin D
What hormone promotes an increase in the activity of osteoclasts ?
Parathyroid hormone
What’s the first step of bone repair?
Hematoma formation
What cells contribute to the process of calcification during intramembranous ossification?
The upper arm bone, and the only bone in the brachium is called what?
In anatomical position what is the ulna to the radius?
What bones form the forearm?
Ulna and radius
What part of radius articulates with the humerus?
Radial head
What part of each metacarpal forms the knuckle of your hand?
Wrist bones are known as?
What part of the coxal bone articulates with the vertebrae?
What’s the large hole in the Coxal bone called?
Obturator foremen
What bone articulates with the calcaneus?
What part of the femur articulates with the tibia to form the knee joint?
Medial and lateral condyles
What functional joint classification has the greatest mobility?
What are fibrous joints built for?
What kind of structural classification includes sutures, syndesmoses
and gomphoses?
What kind of motion do cartilaginous joints have?
Little, if any motion
What kind of cartilaginous joint is primarily involved in protection and shock absorption of the spinal cord?
Intervertebral disc
What does articular cartilage found at the ends of long bones do?
Reduces friction and absorbs shock
What do ligaments connect together?
Bone to bone
What type of movement moves a body part away from the midline or another point of reference?
What kind of movement is shaking your head no?
What muscle assists with smiling?
Zygomaticus major
Is the external oblique muscle a breathing one?
What would damage to the pectoralis major interfere with?
Adducting the arm at the shoulder
What is the deltoid responsible for?
Abducting the arm
Does the rectus femoris adduct the thigh?
Does the quadriceps femoris group include the biceps femoris?
When there is a cut that severs the tendon that attaches the insertion of the gastrocnemius muscle what action would be difficult to perform?
When climbing the stair what muscles plantarflex the foot?
Gastrocnemius and soleus
What is the plasma membrane of the muscle cell know as?
What protein does not belong in the thin filament?
What wraps and surrounds an individual muscle fiber?
What is the functional contractile unit of the myofibril where muscle tension is produced?
When an action potential arrives in an axon terminal, what are synaptic vesicles containing acetylcholine released by?
What is the binding of a myosin head to an actin molecule called?
Cross bridge
The main immediate source of ATP comes from?
Creatine phosphate
In order to increase tension you need to do what?
Recruit additional motor units