Chapter 15: General And Special Senses Flashcards
The scelera is continuous with what part of the eye?
The cornea
What part of the eye controls the entrance of light?
The iris
What are photoreceptors?
Parts of the eye that transduce and detect light stimuli into electrical signals
What are the pohoreceptpr cell types?
Rods and cones
What lets us see black and white?
What lets us see in color?
What does the lens do?
Focuses light on retina from objects near the eye
Where does the aqueous humor come from?
Ciliary body
What is the difference between aqueous and vitreous humor?
Aqueous - water like fluid that lies in front of the lens
VITREOUS - Gel like substance that lies behind the lens and in front of the retina
What parts of the eye retracts light as it enters?
Lens, cornea, aqueous humor and vitreous humor
What is the autonomic ability for the lens to change shape when seeing far or near?
What is color blindness?
When a person lacks the functional gene for one or more cone pigments
What is glaucoma?
This is when the aqueous humor in the eyes cannot drain, making fluid build up in anterior and posterior chambers, and excess fluid raises pressure inside the eyeball
What are cataract?
Clouded lens that can be caused by UV radiation, aging, trauma etc
What is myopia?
Nearsightedness, where the distance between the cornea and the lens is too great or the cornea is too curved
What is hyperopia?
Farsightedness, when the eyeball is too short or the cornea is too flat
What system allows for detection or odorants in the air, transducing them into signals known as odors?
Olafactory system
What structure prevents perspiration from running into the eye?
What structure reduces eye injury?
What kind of conjunctiva covers the inner eyelid surface?
What kind of conjunctiva covers the white part of the eyeball?
What produces and drains tears from the eye?
Lacrimal gland
What drains into the nasolascrimal duct?
Lacrimal sac
What causes the stuffy nose when crying?
Nasolacrimal duct
What are the 3 distinct layers of the eyeball?
Fiburous, vascular and neural
What layer is pretty avascular, the outside and contains the sclera and cornea?
Where is the iris, cilliary body and choroid?
Vascular layer
Where is the retina?
Neural layer
What enlarges the pupil?
Radial pattern
What decreases the size of the pupil?
Circular muscles
What part of the eye is there no photoreceptors and no blind spot?
Optic disc
What part of the eye had the largest amount of photoreceptors?
Fovea centralis
What does the ciliary body secrete?
Aqueous humor
What part of the eye contains cells that lack nuclei?
What part of the ear is involved with vestibular sense (coordination and balance)?
Inner ear
Where is the tympanic membrane?
What can cause you to be seasick?