Evidence Of Gender Disadvantages Flashcards
What are the examples of female disadvantage in the workplace?
- Adkins
- Laura bates
- The Financial Times
What did Adkin’s say?
- horizontal and vertical segregation disadvantaging the roles of women
What did Laura Bate’s say?
- everyday sexism project, in the uk parliament men outnumber women by 4 to 1
What did the Financial Times say?
- the current gender pay gap suggests that if a man and woman int he same level job worked for one calendar year, a woman would work for free from the 30th November
What are examples of female disadvantage in education?
- Skelton
- Kelly
- Colley
What did Skelton say?
- suggests that the hidden curriculum negatively influences subject choices
What did Kelly say?
- science is packaged as a boys subject
What did Colley say?
- subject choices are negatively influenced by perception of gender roles, subject preferences and learning environment
What are the examples of female disadvantage in the media?
- Ferguson
- Tuchman
- Mulvey
What did Ferguson say?
- cult of femininity
What did Tuchman say?
- symbolic annihilation where the mass media omit, trivialise or condemn groups such as women
What did Mulvey say?
- male gaze where men view women as passive objects for their desire
What are examples of female disadvantage in relation to crime?
- Harding
- Laura bates
- Leonard
What did Harding say?
- girls in gangs in south London took the role as fixers and subject to abuse and harassment from male gang members
What did Laura bates say?
- over two women a week in the UK are killed by a current or former partner
What did Leonard say?
- judges label females as doubly deviant and judge that they have not only broken laws but also gender roles meaning they should be punished more harshly
What are the examples of male disadvantage in the workplace?
- Dermott
- Farrell
- Benatar
What did Dermott say?
- men work longer hours than women regardless of status as fathers
What did Farrell say?
- the glass cellar, of the 25 professions ranked the lowest, 24 of them are 85-100% male dominated
What did Benatar say?
- the second sexism, least describable and most dangerous jobs with least pay and security are male dominated
What are examples of male disadvantage in education?
- Willis
- Mitsos and Browne
- Department for education
What did Willis say?
- working class lads follow their fathers footsteps in manual labour jobs leading to low status and pay due to developing anti school attitudes
What did Mitsos and Browne say?
- teachers are too lenient on laddish behaviour of boys leading to lack of achievement whereas girls labelled as doubly deviant ensuring achievement
What did the Department for education say?
- in 2019, 71.9% of female students achieved a grade 4 or higher in comparison to 62.9% of male students who achieved a grade 4 of higher
What are examples of male disadvantage in the media?
- Sewell
- Easthorpe
- REACH media monitoring project
What did Sewell say?
- black Caribbean boys turned to rapper role models in the media during to lack of father figure, lead to hyper masculinity and anti-school subculture
What did Easthorpe say?
- Hollywood films and computer games transmit the view that masculinity based on strength, aggression, competition and violence is biologically determined and natural for boys to achieve
What did REACH media monitoring project say?
- coverage of young black males in the news links them with violent crimes and particularly murders involving knives or gangs
What are examples of male disadvantage in relation to crime?
- Messerschmidt
- Campbell
- Faludi
What did Messerschmidt say?
- gang acts as a location for doing masculinity which has to be accomplished or approved
What did Campbell say?
- men are denied their masculinity through academic success or being the breadwinner so turn to violence and antisocial behaviour to express their masculinity
What did Faludi say?
- males are not deviant, they are performing their masculinity and demonstrated qualities expected from males