ethnicity Flashcards
cultural deprivation
linguistic skills
primary socialisation
family structure
attitudes and values
linguistic skills
DfES report 2–6 - pupils who had english as an additional language had lower achievement - less likely to speak elaborated speech code - Bernstein
- Gilborn and Mirza - Indian students achieve highest rates of qualifications
primary socialisation
the new right
black children less likely to learn cultural norms - fatalism, immediate gratification (sugarman)
Scruton - low achievements results from failure to embrace mainstream british culture
- too deterministic
family structure
dysfunctional family
48% of black caribbean families are single parents, 22% in white, 11% in asian
Moynihan - single mum - lack male role model
Murray - not socialised adequately due to lack of role model
Sewel - no tough love from father - join street gangs
evaluating family structure
children of high income single parent families do very well in education - poverty more important
black carribean girls do better than boys - girls not culturally deprived
driver - cultural deprivation theory - black families not dysfunctional
material deprivation
palmer - 50% of all ethnic minority children live in low-income housing
lack of language skills can impact migrants
swann report - class does account for atleast 50% of the difference in achievement between ethnic groups
material deprivation eval
bangladeshi students achieve nigher than average despite being most likely to live in poverty - cultural factors important
postmodernists argue that class and ethnicity does not have an impact on identity - doesnt shape a pupil’s experience
cultural deprivation eval
keddie - victim-blaming explanation - culturally different not deprived - underachieve cause curriculum is ethnocentric
cultural capital - family structure
why indian and chinese pupils achieve higher
Lupton - respect towards parents prepares children for respect towards teachers
Black african students achieve higher than black carribean students - vincent - higher level of interest
basit - pakistani and indian families placed high value on education
- feminism - high levels of patriarchy in some asian families and conflicts about girls’ involvement
racism in wider society
wood et al - 1 in 16 applications from an ethnic minority were offered an interview while 1 in 9 white
racism in society - low self esteem in black pupils - hostility to schooling
evaluations of external
social policy initiatives to improve education for ethnic minorities - provisions for teaching english
empirical evidence eg swann report
- external factors cannot fully explain
internal factors
institutional racism
ethnocentric curriculum
labelling on black pupils
strand - more able black children made significantly less progress than white peers
mirza - ambition black girls faced racism found 4 different types, overt, colour blind, crusaders and liberal chauvinists - restricted opportunities for success
labelling for asian pupils
wright - asian pupils assumed to be poor at english and mispronounce name
- teachers have positive stereotypes of asian pupils, especially girls, see them as well behaved and highly motivation
shain - asian girls challenge stereotype of being quiet and passive - dealt with more severely
gillborn and youdell - teachers saw black pupils as disruptive, threatening and disrespectful - pupils respond negatively
sewell - teachers had racist stereotypes of being rebellious, anti authority and anti school - pupils respond by either being conformists, innovators, rebels or realists
evaluations of subcultures
fuller - high-achieving girls reacted to racist labelling by working harder - rejects school’s label
mac an ghaill - black and asian alevel students - students can reject labels
deterministic - not all teachers racist
- institutional racism bigger - ethnocentric curriculum
institutional racism
roithmayr - locked-in-inequality
gillborn - marketisation increase school choice - disadvantages ethnic minorities
ethnocentric curriculum
Ball - history national curriculum ignores ethnic diversity and promotes and attitude of little englandism
models in textbooks often white
- does not explain high achievement in indian and chinese students
- postmodernists argue that due to globalisation - schools allow for greater celebration of diversity
evaluations of internal factors
interactionists - approach attempts to see things from the social actors’ point of view
help us understand the nature of social inequality
- racism cannot be a complete explanation - indian and african students
- findings based on qualitative research with small sample sizes
- doesnt acknowledge material and cultural deprivation