ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Type 2 Diabetes Melitis Flashcards
Patho behind type 2 DM?
If you have type 2 diabetes your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, your pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time it isn’t able to keep up and can’t make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose at normal levels.
These patients are usually overweight, and they cannot make enough insulin to keep up with the glucose load that they are consuming.
Why do we want to limit the protein in their diet?
diabetic tend to have renal disease
why are diabetics prone to artery disease? why is that even worst for them?
because sugar destroys vessels just like fat
not only do they have to worry about the sugar jacking up their vessels, they have to worry about cholesterol as well.
Why is a high fiber diet GREAT for a diabetic person? How doe the fiber work?
It keeps their blood sugar steady and may even get to decrease their insulin
high fiber slows the absorption of sugar in the GI tract; thus eliminating the sharp rise/fall of the blood sugar(extremes= vascular damage)
What should the patient do before exercising to prevent hypoglycemia?
eat something; fruit or milk
Exercise when blood sugar is at its highest or lowest?
How do hypoglycemic agents work?
they stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin (that’s why its no good for type 1 diabetics)
how do you draw up insulin? which do you draw up first?
clear over cloudy (clear 1st)
what is the ONLY type of insulin you can give IV?
the HBA1C is a blood test that gives an average of what your blood sugar has been over the past____ months.
The goal for diabetics is an A1C >___%
Patients should when insulin is at its ___
peak “think hypoglycemia”
What happens to your blood sugar when you’re sick or stressed?
what do they need to do to their insulin dose? & if they don’t, what can happen?
blood sugar increases
increase it; they can go into DKA
when giving insulin, you are suppose to rotate___ an area first. why?
-because you are to choose a site, rotate in that area, and then move on to another in order to give the previously chosen site time to heal. if you just keep choosing random places, you won’t give them time to heal.
What happens to insulin absorption when a site has lipohypertrophy?
Do we aspirate insulin?
NO; we don’t want tissue trauma