DNA Replication Flashcards
3 General features of DNA Replication
1.Semi conservative
3.Occurs during S phase of cell
Who realised DNA self replicated?
Watson and Crick using a parent strand and a newly synthesised strand
What does semi conservative mean? Explain the steps
DNA unwound to separate template strands
Addition new nucleotides linked by covalent bonds on complementary template strand
DNA is usually bidirectional, how do bacterial chromosomes replicate?
The circular DNA forms a bubble at the origin sight separating and eventually stop at the termination site.
Eukaryotic DNA replication is similar to prokaryotes however it is more complex, how?
1.Eukaryotic cells contain more DNA
2.Chromosomes are linear - multiple replicons needed
3.DNA complexes with proteins (DNA packing )
What is a replicon?
They are origins of replications and Eukaryotic DNA have many to speed up process of replication (2 kb/min -one chromosome takes up to 35 days)
Short summary of the eukaryotic chromatin packaging?
Double stranded chromatin wound around nucleosomes with histone buckles tightening them, then nucleosomes form a 30nm fibre, fibre is further looped and compressed then coiling to form a chromatid on a chromosome,
Nucleosomes formation summary
His tones are small + charged proteins (8 proteins) DNA wraps around histones to form nucleosomes
How are nucleosomes linked?
Via linker DNA
Proteins involved in replication
Single stranded binding proteins (SSB)
DNA Polymerase 3
Polymerase 1
What does Topoisomerase do?
Topoisomerase unwinds double helix by snipping phosphate backbone on one strand and joins back after unwinding
What does DNA helicase do?
Helicase binds to origin of replication and uses ATP to break h bonds making DNA single stranded
What do single stranded binding proteins do?
They straighten the single stranded chain allowing DNA Polymerase to work
What does DNA Polymerase 3 do?
Polymerase 3 catalyses the formation of phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides
What does DNA Polymerase 3 require?
DNA template
RNA primer (short piece of RNA)
Four dNTPs (nucleotides)
What direction and bi product does polymerase 3 give off when joining a nucleotide?
5’ to 3’ direction of elongation and when a nucleotide is added 2 phosphates are give off
Primer is 10 nucleotides long but what does it provide for the polymerase 3?
Provides a free 3’-OH group
What enzyme makes primer?
RNA Primer needs to be removed after elongation, how is it removed?
DNA polymerase removes primer and replaces it with DNA
What does DNA Ligase do?
Once polymerase 3 dips, Ligase joins short fragments of DNA together
Lagging strand and leading strand differences?
Lagging strand is discontinuous and leading strand is continuous