Day 87 - Numbers Part 1 Flashcards
The numbers in German aren’t hard to remember, some of them are cognates. All numbers in German are feminine, but certain regions have some masculine numbers. Number gender isn’t so important as you will likely never say a number with an article, but if you must, use feminine as your default.
Study the following list:
0 null
1 eins
2 zwei
3 drei
4 vier
5 fünf
6 sechs
7 sieben
8 acht
9 neun
10 zehn
11 elf
12 zwölf
13 dreizehn
14 vierzehn
15 fünfzehn
16 sechzehn
17 siebzehn
18 achtzehn
19 neunzehn
The deca-numbers add -zig or -ßig, and are said backwards, with an added and, all as one word, no spaces.
Study the following examples:
20 zwanzig
30 dreißig
40 vierzig
50 fünfzig
60 sechzig
70 siebzig
80 achtzig
90 neunzig
25 fünfundzwanzig
32 zweiunddreißig
87 siebenundachtzig
Hundreds and thousands translate one to one into English, but again have no spaces in the spellings. English sometimes adds a or one to these numbers, but that isn’t necessary in German:
100 hundert
1000 tausend
500 fünfhundert
9000 neuntausend
Numbers over a million are capitalized, and have two versions for each comma added. Unless you are talking about the national debt of some countries, you may never use numbers this big.
million Million (1,000,000)
billion Milliarde (1,000,000,000)
trillion Billion (1,000,000,000,000)
quadrillion Billiarde (1,000,000,000,000,000)
Commas and decimal points take the opposite position in German.
Study the following examples:
Day 87 Vocabulary
- Sunday der Sonntag (-e)
- Monday der Montag (-e)
- Tuesday der Dienstag (-e)
- Wednesday der Mittwoch (-e)
- Thursday der Donnerstag (-e)
- Friday der Freitag (-e)
- Saturday der Samstag (-e)
- day der Tag (-e)
- every day jeden Tag
- week die Woche (n)
- I go to church on Sundays.
Ich gehe sonntags in die Kirche.
*To say on ~days, simply add an -s to the day and change the capital letter to a lower case letter.
- I hate Mondays.
Ich hasse Montage.
die Montage=plural
*Notice this sentence didn’t say on Mondays.
3 . On Tuesdays we eat hamburgers.
Dienstags essen wir Hamburger.
- What are you doing on Wednesday?
Was machst du am Mittwoch?
- Thursday is almost here.
Es ist fast schon Donnerstag.
- Fridays are really fun.
Freitage machen viel Spaß.
die Freitage
- They are coming on Saturday.
Sie kommen am Samstag.
- Today is the day.
Heute ist der Tag.
- I drink milk every day.
Ich trinke jeden Tag Milch.
- What are you all doing this week?
Was macht ihr diese Woche?