Day 31 - the future past Flashcards
This grammar is used to talk about what will have been done in the future. The construction is almost the exact same as English.
Use werden + the past participle and auxiliary verb. Since werden is now occupying the spot after the subject, not only the participle, but also the unconjugated auxiliary verb will go the end of the sentence.
Study the following examples:
Tomorrow I will have written my essay.
Morgen werde ich (werden conjugated and inverted)
meinen Aufsatz geschrieben (past participle)
haben (infinitive of haben/sein).
Next month he will have already gone back to Germany.
Nächsten Monat wird er (werden conjugated and inverted)
schon nach Deutschland zurückgefahren (past participle)
sein (infinitive sein/haben).
Day 31 Grammar Card 1.
Future past tense (werden) + (past participle) + (sein / haben)
ab.schließen…to end or to come to a close. SCHLOSS AB, ABGESCHLOSSEN
ab = away from
The prefix “ab-“ usually - but not always - carries the notion of “away from”. Some of the many possibilities:
“abblenden” (to fade out, dim [lights]); “abbrechen” (to break off); “abbrennen” (to burn down); “abdanken” (to abdicate, resign); “abdrücken” (to pull the trigger; to shoot); “abfahren” (to drive off; to depart [by car]); “abfegen” (to brush off); “abhacken” (to chop off); “abhängen von” (to be dependent on); “abhören” (to wiretap); “abkommen” (to get away); “ablenken” (to divert); “abnehmen” (to remove; to take away); “abnutzen” (to wear out); “abriegeln” (to bolt [a door]; to close off); “abschaffen” (to do away with); “abschicken” (to send off); “absichern” (to secure); “abstimmen” (to vote); “abtreiben” (to abort); “abwehren” (to repulse; to fend off); “abziehen” (to deduct; to withdraw); “abzweigen” (to branch off).
enden…to end … intransitive, cannot take an object
beenden…takes an object
beenden…to end. intransitive, takes an object
ended…no object
befassen sich mit…to be concerned with, to occupy oneself with
beschäftigen sich mit…to busy oneself with
beschäftigen sich mit…to busy oneself with
*Important derivatives: beschäftig (busy) and Beschäftigung (occupation).
befassen sich mit…to be concerned with or occupied with
beobachten…to observe
*Careful with the pronunciation. Beo is not pronounced beyo, but rather beh oh.
spazieren…to walk
*Spazieren is often paired with gehen, as in, to go walking. Ich gehe spazieren.
erfüllen…to fulfil
aus.fuhren…to carry out, to execute
The prefix “aus-“ adds the meanings “out,” “outward,” “extended,” “completely,” “missing”:
“ausbauen” (to extend; to improve; to expand); “ausbessern” (to fix; to touch up); “ausbeuten” (to exploit); “ausbilden” (to train); “ausbleiben” (to stay away; to fail to show up); “ausbreiten” (to spread out); “ausbrennen” (to burn out); “ausdehnen” (to extend; to expand); “ausdiskutieren” (to discuss thoroughly); “ausfahren” (to go for a drive; to take for a drive); “ausfallen” (to fail, to drop out; to be canceled); “ausführen” (to take for a walk; to carry out [work]; to put into practice); “ausfüllen” (to fill out [a form]); “ausgehen” (to go out); “ausgleichen” (to even out); “aushalten” (to endure; to withstand); “aushelfen” (to help out); “ausklammern” (to bracket out); “ausklingen” (to fade away [music]); “auslachen” (to laugh at); “ausleihen” (to lend); “ausmachen” (to turn off; to extinguish; to make a difference; to add up to); “auspressen” or “ausquetschen” (to press or squeeze out); “ausradieren” (to erase); “ausreichen” (to be sufficient); “ausrichten” (to pass on [a message]); “ausrotten” (to eradicate); “ausrüsten” (to equip); “sich ausschlafen” (to get a good sleep); “ausschließen” (to exclude; to lock out); “ausschütten” (to spill out; to tip out); “aussteigen” (to get out of [a car, train]); “aussehen” (to appear); “auswechseln” (to switch; to replace).
genügen…to be adequate
*The adjective genug means enough or sufficient.
- The trial will have come to a close.
Verb of movement, change of condition = SEIN
DAS Gerichtsverfahren wird abgeschlossen SEIN.
- The film will have ended.
Verb of movement, change of condition = SEIN
DER Film wird geendet haben.
- I will have ended the relationship.
Verb of movement, change of condition = SEIN
except with a transitive verb
Ich werde die Beziehung beendet haben.
- He will have concerned himself with something.
Verb of movement, change of condition = SEIN
Er wird SICH mit etwas beschäftiget haben.
Er wird SICH mit etwas befasst haben.
- She will have occupied herself with something.
Sie wird SICH mit etwas BESCHÄFTIGT haben.
- We will have observed it.
Verb of movement, change of condition = SEIN
Wir werden es beobachtet haben.
- They will have walked through the park.
Verb of movement, change of condition = SEIN
Sie werden durch den Park SPAZIERT SEIN.
- I will have fulfilled the requirements.
Verb of movement, change of condition = SEIN
Ich werde die Anforderungen erfüllt haben.
ANFORDERN…demand or request
- He will have carried out the order. (led out…leader out)
Er wird DEN Auftrag ausgeführt haben.
- It will have been adequate.
Verb of movement, change of condition = SEIN
Es wird genügt haben.