Day 49 - directions Flashcards
The preposition nach is used with directions. Study the following examples and notice the different translation for up and down, because to the up sounds strange in English:
to the left…nach links
to the right…nach rechts
upward…nach oben
downward…nach unten
To ask for directions, use the phrase Wie kommt man ~ with the appropriate preposition: How do you get to the beach?
Wie kommt man an den Strand? (Lit. How does one come to the beach?)
How do you get to Switzerland?
Wie kommt man in die Schweiz? (Lit. How does one come to Switzerland?)
How do you get to Berlin?
Wie kommt man nach Berlin? (Lit. How does one come to Berlin?)
- Asking directions
Wie kommt man ~
- left…links
- right…rechts
- everywhere…überall
- nowhere…nirgendwo
- somewhere irgendwo
- above…oben
- below / at the bottom…unten
- to look / glance / peek…gucken *Gucken has a nuance of a quick look.
- to look / view…blicken*Blicken has a nuance of viewing.
The noun der Blick, means the view. - to look / see…schauen *Schauen has a nuance of to scan.
The idiom Mal schauen… means We shall see…
- I’m looking to the left.
Ich gucke nachs links.
- She is looking to the right.
Sie guckt nach rechts.
- I looked everywhere!
Ich habe überall gesucht.
- It’s nowhere.
Es ist nirgendwo.
- It must be somewhere!
Es muss irgendwo sein.
- Did you look up above?
Hast du nach oben geschaut?
- Did they look down below?
Haben sie nach unten geschaut?
- You peeped in the shower!
Du hast in die Dusche geguckt.
- I am looking at the mountains.
Ich blicke auf die Berge.
- He is looking into the sky.
Er schaut in den Himmel.
der Himmel