Day 36 - verb practice Flashcards
versuchen…to try or to attempt
tragen…to wear or to carry. TRUG, GETRAGEN
ziehen…to pull, to move. ZOG, GEZOGEN
scheinen…to shine, to appear, to seem. SCHIEN, GESCHIENEN
fallen…to fall. FIEL, GEFALLEN
erhalten…to get, to keep, to preserve. ERHIELT, ERHALTEN
*Erhalten has many possible translations. The core meaning is to completely hold / stop. This core meaning can help to derive the other possible translations:
to get,
to keep,
to preserve,
to save,
to sustain,
to gain,
to maintain,
to support,
to remain.
treffen sich…to meet. TRAF, GETROFFEN
erreichen…to reach, to achieve
entstehen aus…to originate, to come from. ENTSTAND, ENTSTANDEN
- What are they trying?
Was versuchen sie?
- I am carrying you.
Ich trage dich.
- They are sitting on the floor.
Sie sitzen auf dem Boden.
- He is pulling the suitcase.
Er zieht den Koffer.
- That seems to be good.
Das SCHEINT gut ZU sein.
- She is falling quickly.
Sie fällt schnell.
- The banks are getting subsidies.
Die Banken erhalten Subventionen.
- I am meeting my friend.
Ich treffe mich MIT meineM Freund.
- Are you achieving the goal?
Erreichst du das Ziel?
- Flowers come from seeds.
Blumen entstehen aus Samen.