Day 61 - Adjective Endings Part 3…no def. or indef. article Flashcards
The final set of adjective endings are for adjectives with no article.
Since there are no articles, the adjective ending itself must convey the case and gender of the noun.
Because of this, the endings are the exact same as the der / die / das conjugations, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF the genitive masculine and genitive neutral being -en.
Adjective Endings (No Article)
Masculine / Feminine / Neutral / Plural
Nominative: -er / -e / -es / -e
Accusative: -en / -e / -es / -e
Dative: -em / -er / -em / -en
Genitive: -en / -er / -en / -er
Study the following examples:
Blue angels.
Blaue Engel.
The name is Fat Man.
Der Name ist Dicker Mann. DER Mann…DickER
Funny children laugh.
Lustige Kinder lachen. DIE Kinder…LustiGE
Old apple, new apple, I’ll eat every apple.
Ob alter Apfel oder neuer Apfel, ich esse jeden Apfel. DER Apfel…altER, neuER, jedEN
Young women don’t like him.
Junge Frauen mögen ihn nicht. DIE Frauen…JungE Frauen
German beer is the best.
Deutsches Bier ist das beste. DAS Bier…DeutschES Bier
- SCHNELL…fast / quick
- LANGSAM…slow
- STARK…strong
- SCHWACH…weak
- LAUT…loud
- LEISE…quiet
- SÜß…sweet / cute
*Süß can refer to sweet tastes and also to say someone is cute. - SHWEIGEND…silent (not talking)
STILL… (lack of noise) - SELTSAM…strange
- VERRÜCKT…crazy
- Fast trains arrive early.
Schnelle Züge kommen früh an. DIE Züge…SchnellE Züge
- Slow trains arrive late.
Langsame Züge kommen spät an.
- I refused with strong conviction.
Ich lehnte mit starker Überzeugung ab.
die Überzeugung…persuasion, belief, conviction
DER Überzeugung…starkER Überzeugung
- He has weak muscles.
Er hat schwache Muskeln.
DIE Muskeln…schwachE Muskeln
- Loud music bothers me.
Laute Musik ärgert mich.
DIE Musik…lautE Musik
- I like quiet music.
Ich mag leise Musik.
DIE Musik…leisE Musik
- In Germany there are many cute girls.
In Deutschland gibt es viele süße Mädchen.
DIE Mädchen…süßE Mädchen
- This room is silent.
Dieses Zimmer ist still.
DAS Zimmer…diesES Zimmer
- I help strange people.
Ich helfe seltsamen Leuten.
DIE Leuten…seltsamEN
the verb helfen always takes dative
- Hey crazy man!
Hey verrückter Mann!
DER Mann…verrücktER Mann
- Adjective endings (definite article)You can either memorize this table or use a trick: If the is plural or changes form, add -en. Otherwise add -e.
Masculine / Feminine / Neutral / Plural
Nominative: -e / -e / -e / -en
Accusative: -en / -e / -e / -en
Dative: -en / -en / -en / -en
Genitive: -en / -en / -en / -en
- Adjective Endings (Indefinite Article)The trick to memorizing this table is the same as before, if ein changes form, and you know the gender and case of the noun just by looking at ein, add -en. If you can’t tell, then add the appropriate ending.
Masculine / Feminine / Neutral / Plural
Nominative: -er / -e / -es / -en
Accusative: -en / -e / -es / -en
Dative: -en / -en / -en / -en
Genitive: -en / -en / -en / -en
- Adjective Endings (No Article)Since there are no articles, the adjective ending itself must convey the case and gender of the noun. Because of this, the endings are the exact same as the der / die / das conjugations, with the exception of the genitive masculine and genitive neutral being -en.
Masculine / Feminine / Neutral / Plural
Nominative: -er / -e / -es / -e
Accusative: -en / -e / -es / -e
Dative: -em / -er / -em / -en
Genitive: -en / -er / -en / -er