Day 30 - the present perfect Flashcards
There are two main forms of past tense in German, just like English, called
Präteritum / Imperfekt (preterite / simple past) and Perfekt (present perfect).
Unlike English, German uses the simple past for writing, and the present perfect for speaking.
There are a few exceptions, if you are telling a long story, it’s okay to switch to the simple past.
To make the present perfect tense, English uses have + past participle.
German uses sein or haben + past participle.
I ate eggs. Ich habe Eier gegessen. Use sein when the verb shows motion, movement, or a change in state. (gewesen) Verbs like gehen, sterben, and sein, will use sein instead of haben. I went to Hamburg. Ich bin nach Hamburg gefahren.
Like modal verbs and the future tense, using sein or haben will send the main verb to the end of the sentence.
When sein and haben were first introduced in this book, the participles were not included.
Sein is irregular, the participle is gewesen.
The participle of haben is formed like a weak verb, gehabt.
To conjugate the past participle, add the prefix ge-.
1. Verbs starting with a vowel add geg-.
2. If a verb has a separable prefix, ge- goes in the middle.
3. If a verb starts with (and has stress on the 2nd syllable)
OR ends with -ieren, don’t add ge-.
If you have trouble remembering this, another way to remember it, is that:
verbs with stress on the second syllable don’t add ge-.
Some strong verbs also have a vowel change.
Weak verbs will drop -en and add -t.
Weak verbs that end in -ten will drop -en and add -et.
Infinitive → Participle
Add ge-, weak verbs drop -en add -t.
gehen → gegangen (vowel change) essen → gegessen (geg-) …Verbs starting with a vowel add geg-. anrufen → angerufen (separable prefix) …separable prefix, ge- goes in the middle. fragen → gefragt …Weak verbs will drop -en and add -t. antworten → geantwortet (add -et) …Weak verbs will drop -en and add -t. …separable prefix, ge- goes in the middle. zerstören → zerstört (no ge-) …Weak verbs will drop -en and add -t …If a verb starts with be- pro- ver- zer- or ends with -ieren, don't add ge-
träumen von…to dream about
auf.räumen…to tidy up
putzen…to clean, to wipe, to polish
sauber.machen…to clean
reinigen…to clean, to purify
*The adjective sauber means clean. The adjective rein means pure.
Reinecke = 19th century composer
reiten…to ride. RITT, GERITTEN
drücken…to press, to push
*Drücken is used when you press things like buttons.
drücken…to press-push
stoßen…to push-kick
schieben…non-violent push
stoßen…to press, to kick. STIEß, GESTOßEN
*Stoßen has a feeling of disturbing or causing harm.
drücken…to press-push
stoßen…to push-kick
schieben…non-violent push
schieben…to push. SCHOB, GESCHOBEN
*Schieben is used in all normal, non-violent forms of pushing.
drücken…to press-push
stoßen…to push-kick
schieben…non-violent push
verstecken vor…to hide from
stecken = to put or stick something in
verstecken = to hide
Es ist gefährlich, die Finger in einen Toaster zu stecken.
Das Kind dachte, es wäre lustig, ein Spielzeug im Toaster zu verstecken.
- Did you dream about me?
Hast du von mir geträumt? (träumen von…to dream ABOUT)
- They tidied up the room.
Sie haben das Zimmer aufgeräumt.
She cleaned the counter.
Sie HAT die Theke geputzt.
- He cleaned the floor.
Er hat DEN Boden saubergemacht.
- We purified the water.
Wir haben das Wasser GEreinigt.
To conjugate the past participle, add the prefix ge-.
Weak verbs will drop -en and add -t.
- I rode the horse.
(Use sein when the verb shows motion, movement, or a change in state.)
- Did you press the button?
Hast du den Knopf gedrückt? HABEN SIE den Knopf gedrückt?
(drücken = pressing things like buttons)
for p.p., drop the -en, add the t, add ge- at the beginning
- The child pushed the little girl.
Das Kind hat das Mädchen GESTOßEN.
(stoßen…pushing to cause disturbance or harm)
(Use sein when the verb shows motion, movement, or a change in state.)
To conjugate the past participle, add the prefix ge-.
- I pushed the car.
Ich habe das Auto GESCHOBEN.
(schieben is non-violent pushing)
- I hid the present from my mother.
Ich habe das Geschenk vor meiner Mutter versteckt.
das Geschenk = D.O. = accusative = das (den, die, das, die)
Mütter = I.O. = dative (dem, der, dem, den)