CPRS 90: Abnormalities of the Kidney Flashcards
If the kidneys fail to develop to normal size
What is this called
Unilateral kidney congenital abnormality- Is this compatible with life?
Bilateral kidney abnormality- Is this compatible with life?
Unilateral kidney congenital abnormality- Is this compatible with life? Compatible
Bilateral kidney abnormality- Is this compatible with life? Incompatible
For Horseshoe Kidneys
Is fusion of lower poles more common?
Or fusion of upper poles?
Fusion of lower poles (90% of cases)
Why is ectopic kidney so dangerous- Abnormal kidney position
Might lead to kinking or tortuosity of the ureters, leading to obstruction and infection
What is the main source of amniotic fluid
Urine by foetus
What happens when there is reduction in Amniotic Fluid
What are the causes
What are the symptoms (name a few)
Disease: Oligohydramnios
Chronic Leakage of Amniotic Fluid
Bilateral Renal Agenesis
Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Flattened facies
- Positional abnormalities of hands and feet
- Hypoplastic lungs (incomplete development of lungs)
Diseases due to abnormalities in differentiation
Multicystic Renal Dysplasia
- It is due to developmental abnormality of _____________ that causes aberrant differentiation of _____________
- Is it a hereditary disorder?
- What is the appearance on the kidney?
Refer to diagram on CPRS 90
Diseases due to abnormalities in differentiation
Multicystic Renal Dysplasia
- It is due to developmental abnormality of metanephric duct that causes aberrant differentiation of metanephric blastema
- Is it a hereditary disorder? NO
- What is the appearance on the kidney: Multiple Cystic Structures deforming the Kidney
Refer to diagram on CPRS 90
Diseases due to abnormalities in differentiation
Polycystic Kidney Disease (Childhood)
- What is the mutated gene
- What is the gene for
- Is it Autosomal Dominant/ Autosomal Recessive
- What are the 3 features
- Mode of death
Refer to diagram on CPRS 90
Diseases due to abnormalities in differentiation
Polycystic Kidney Disease
- What is the mutated gene: PKHD1
- What is the gene for: Encoding fibrocystin
- Autosomal Recessive
- What are the 3 features:
Symmetrical Enlarged Kidneys
Big Liver
Hypoplastic Lungs (Incomplete development of lungs)
Fusiform dilatation of collecting ducts radially arranged
- Mode of death: Neonatal Respiratory Failure
Refer to diagram on CPRS 90
Diseases due to abnormalities in differentiation
Polycystic Kidney Disease (Adult)
- What are the genes involved
- Is it Autosomal Dominant/ Autosomal Recessive
- Is it Acquired or Hereditary
- How do the Kidneys look like
- What do you see in the cortex or medulla
- What is found on cerebral arteries
Refer to diagram on CPRS 90
Diseases due to abnormalities in differentiation
Polycystic Kidney Disease (Adult)
- What are the genes involved: PKD1, PKD2
- Autosomal Dominant
- Hereditary
- How do the Kidneys look like: Nodular Huge Kidneys
- What do you see in the cortex or medulla: Numerous cysts
- What is found on cerebral arteries: Berry Aneurysms
Refer to diagram on CPRS 90
What does it indicate if you have acquired cystic kidney disease
End stage renal failure
What does the following terms mean:
- Bifid Ureter: There is more than ___ ureter per kidney
- Retrocaval Ureter: Ureter going to the back of ____________ (Blood vessel)
- Ectopic Opening: Ureter does not go into ___________
What does the following terms mean:
- Bifid Ureter: There is more than 1 ureter per kidney
- Retrocaval Ureter: Ureter going to the back of Inferior Vena Cava
- Ectopic Opening: Ureter does not go into Urinary Bladder
Abnormalities of the Urinary Bladder
- Extrophy of Urinary Bladder: Developmental failure in the anterior wall of abdomen and urinary bladder, this increases the risk of ______________
- Urachal Anomalies can lead to _________
- Fistula Tract connects bladder with ________
Abnormalities of the Urinary Bladder
- Extrophy of Urinary Bladder: Developmental failure in the anterior wall of abdomen and urinary bladder, this increases the risk of adenocarcinoma
- Urachal Anomalies can lead to carcinoma
- Fistula Tract connects bladder with umbilicus
Abnormalities of Urethra-
Make sure you know what is the dorsal and ventral surface of penis referring to diagram on CPRS 90
What is called when there is abnormal opening on ventral surface of penis
What is called when there is abnormal opening on dorsal surface of penis
What will be the consequence?
What is called when there is abnormal opening on ventral surface of penis- Hypospadias
What is called when there is abnormal opening on dorsal surface of penis- Epispadias
Affecting normal ejaculation;
Increasing the risk for urinary tract obstruction;
Ascending urinary tract infection
Urinary Tract Obstruction- Obstructive Nephropathy
Due to the following: Try to name 4-6
Urinary Tract Obstruction- Obstructive Nephropathy Due to the following: Try to name 4-6 - Prostatic Hyperplasia - Stones (Calculi) - Infection/ Inflammation (TB) - Pregnancy (female) - Urothelial Tumours - Neurogenic Bladder (Loss of bladder control due to brain problems)
What are the effects of Obstructive Uropathy?
- ______________: Sudden, Acute Pain in kidneys due to obstruction (most common cause: Renal Stone)
- ______________: Swollen kidney due to urine build-up inside
- ______________: Dilation of ureters due to obstruction of urine outflow
- ____________: Formation of renal stones and calculi
What are the effects of Obstructive Uropathy?
- Acute Renal Colic: Sudden, Acute Pain in kidneys due to obstruction
- Hydronephrosis: Swollen kidney due to urine build-up inside
- Hydroureter: Dilation of ureters due to obstruction of urine outflow
- Urolithiasis: Formation of renal stones and calculi
Try Name 4 types of Renal Stones/ Calculi
- Calcium oxalate and phosphate stones
- Magnesium ammonium phosphate stones (staghorn calculi)
- Uric Acid Stones
- Cystine Stones
When there is bladder outflow obstructions, try and name 4 symptoms
- Weak stream
- Hesitancy (time needed to start peeing)
- Dribbling after peeing
- Nocturia (Incomplete bladder emptying)
What is meant by Vesico-ureteral Reflux
Name 2 causes of the reflux
The higher the severity of the Vesicoureteral Reflux, the _______ the degree of ureter dilatation
Urine flowing back from the urinary bladder to the ureter
- Rise in intravesical pressure
- Incompetence of valve-like action of intramural part of ureter
The higher the severity of the Vesicoureteral Reflux, the higher the degree of ureter dilatation
Scarring of Kidney, Name 2 causes
Scarring of Kidney, Name 2 causes
- Sterile Reflux at high pressure
- Infection of urine (Pyelonephritis)