health maintenance and health restoration, with an emphasis on maintaining maximum potential in wellness
FOCUS in goals of nursing
to promote ___ through compassionate palliative care and to facilitate coping with disability and death
good dying
an actual or potential situation in which something that is valued is changed, no longer available, or gone
occurs when a valued person or object, or situation is changed or made inaccessible so that its value is diminished or removed
can be recognized by others and can arise either in response to or in anticipation of a situation
actual loss
experienced by one person but cannot be verified by or is intangible to others
perceived loss
experienced before the loss actually occurs
anticipatory loss
- occurs in the process of normal development
- loss resulting from normal life transitions
developmental loss
- occurs suddenly in response to specific external event
- experienced as a result of an unpredictable event
situational loss
sources of loss (4)
- aspect of self
- external objects
- familiar environment
- loved one / valued person
loss of body part, physiological function, psychological function
loss of an aspect of self
loss of inanimate objects that have importance to the person
loss of external objects
a fundamental loss both for the dying person and those who survive
loss of a loved one / DEATH
- total response to the emotional experience related to the loss
- manifested in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with overwhelming distress or sorrow
- a social process
- best shared and carried out with the assistance of others
- behavioral process through which grief is eventually resolved or altered
- often influenced by culture, spiritual beliefs, and custom
subjective response experienced by the surviving loved ones after the death of a person with whom they have shared a significant relationship
- brief but genuinely felt
- can occur when the lost object is not significantly important to the grieving person or may have been replaced immediately by another equally esteemed object
abbreviated grief
experienced in advance of the event
anticipatory grief
- occurs when a person is unable to acknowledge the loss to other persons
- often relate to a socially unacceptable loss that cannot be spoken about
disenfranchised grief
- exists when the strategies to cope with the loss are maladaptive
- contributing factors: prior traumatic loss, family or cultural barriers to the emotional expression of grief, sudden death, strained relationships , lack of adequate support
types of complicated grief (4)
- unresolved / chronic
- inhibited
- delayed
- exagerrated
stages of grief
- denial
- anger
- bargaining
- depression
- acceptance
death is an ___ or ___
event, state
- subjective and private experience
- a dynamic process, a stage of life
from a medical point of view, ___ begins when the person has an untreatable and fatal disease
traditional clinical signs of death
cessation of apical pulse, respiration, and BP
the ___ is usually responsible for deciding what, when, and how the patient should be told
- focus on support and care of the dying person and family
- based on holistic concepts that emphasize care to improve the quality of life rather than cure
hospice home care
goal of hospice home care
a peaceful and dignified death
- hospice care
- taking care of the whole person-body, mind, and spirit, heart and soul
palliative care
goal of palliative care
give the best quality of life by aggressive management of symptoms