Component 1: Soc 10 Flashcards
What are the 8 common injuries suffered in sport?
- Soft tissue injury
- Sprain
- Strain
- Torn cartilage
- Concussions
- Abrasions
- Fractures
- Dislocation
What is a soft tissue injury?
An injury that is a joint where two or more bones meet. They are particularly prone injury because movement past their range can tear or pull tendons and ligaments.
What is a Concussion?
An injury normally caused by a blow to the head and can happen in many sports but most commonly in rugby. The symptoms are headaches, weakness, loss of coordination or balance, confusion or slurred speech.
What is a fracture?
A broken or cracked bone caused by a blow, the several types are:
- In closed: skin is not damaged
- Compound: the broken bone penetrating the skin
- Simple: no displacement of the bone
- Stress (overuse): a result of fatigue
What is a dislocation?
When a bone at a joint is forced out of its normal position. Often occurs as a result of a hard blow which causes one of the bones to be displaced. Symptoms are deformity and swelling of the joint, which is locked out of position.
What is a torn cartilage?
Damaged elastic substance which lines adjoining bones. Its often due to wear and tear from long-term overuse
What is an abrasion?
Friction of the skin against a rough surface. It can happen from a fall or as a result of tackle.
What is a sprain?
A damaged ligament. It can occur by falling or landing awkwardly.
What is a strain?
A twist, pull or tear of a muscle or a tendon. It can occur by sprinting or other explosive movements.
What are the 5 ways to prevent injury
- Correct application of the principles of training
- Correct application and adherence to the rules
- Use of appropriate protective clothing
- Checking of equipment and facilities
- Use of a warm-up and cool-down
What are the 5 types of simple/closed fractures?
Greenstick - only partially break accross the bone
Transverse - break straight accross
Impacted - pieces locked into each other
Comminuted - broken into more than 2 parts
Obloque - break at an angle
What does rice stand for?
Rest - stop playing
Ice - provide pain relief
Compression - apply pressure
Elevation - raise the injury above the heart possible