Communications Flashcards
What language should be used for air ground radiotelephony communication?
The air ground radiotelephony communications shall be conducted in the language normally used by the station on the ground or in the English language.
What is the rule regarding availability of English language?
The English language shall be available, on request from any aircraft station, at all stations on the ground serving designated airports and routes used by international air services.
Where can information on language availability at a given station be found?
The languages available at a given station on the ground shall form part of the aeronautical information publications and other published aeronautical information concerning such facilities.
How shall numbers be transmitted in radiotelephony?
All numbers, except numbers used in the transmission of altitude, cloud height, visibility and runway visible range information shall be transmitted by pronouncing each digit separately.
The previously listed information shall be transmitted by pronouncing each digit in the number of hundreds or thousands followed by hundred or thousand as appropriate.
Numbers containing a decimal point shall be transmitted with the decimal point in the appropriate sequence being indicated by the word decimal.
How should time be transmitted in radiotelephony?
PANS - when transmitting time, only the minutes of the hour should normally be required. Each digit should be pronounced separately. However, the hour should be included when any possibility of confusion is likely to result.
What are the rules regarding change in type of radiotelephony call sign by an aircraft?
An aircraft shall not change the type of its radiotelephony call sign during flight, except temporarily on the instruction of the ATC unit in the interests of safety
At what points shall transmissions not be directed at aircraft?
Except for reasons of safety no transmission shall be directed to an aircraft during take off, during the last part of the final approach or during the landing roll.
What is distress and urgency traffic?
Distress and urgency traffic shall comprise all radiotelephony messages relative to the distress and urgency conditions respectively. Distress and urgency conditions are defines as:
Distress: a condition of being threatened by serious and or imminent danger and of requiring immediate assistance.
Urgency: a condition concerning the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle, or of some person on board or within sight, but which does not require immediate assistance.
What are the restrictions on radiotelephony distress and urgency messages by the originator?
The originator of messages addressed to an aircraft in distress or urgency condition shall restrict to the minimum the number and volume and content of such messages as required by the condition.
How shall data link messages be composed?
The text of messages shall be composed in standard messaeg format, in plain language or in abbreviations and codes.
When shall plain language be avoided in composing data link messages?
Plain language shall be avoided when the length of text can be reduces using appropriate abbreviations and codes.
What should an aircraft use when establishing communications?
When establishing communications, an aircraft should use the full call sign of both the aircraft and the aeronautical station.
What is the rule pertaining to superfluous transmissions?
Each state shall ensure that there is no willful transmission of unnecessary or
anonymous signals, messages or data by a station with the state.
What is the rule pertaining to the establishment of radio
a. All stations shall answer calls directed to them by other stations in the
aeronautical telecommunication service and shall exchange communications on
b. All stations shall radiate the minimum power necessary to ensure satisfactory
What form should a test transmission follow?
The identification of the aeronautical station being called.
b. The aircraft identification
c. The words “radio check”
d. The frequency being used.
List five categories of messages handled by the aeronautical fixed telecommunication network (AFTN).
1) Distress Messages
2) Urgency Messages
3) Flight Safety Messages
4) Meteorological Messages
5) Flight regularity Messages
6) Aeronautical Information Services Messages
7) Aeronautical administrative messages
8) Service messages
How shall the international aeronautical telecommunication service be divided?
The international aeronautical telecommunication service shall be divided into four parts:
1) aeronautical fixed service
2) aeronautical mobile service
3) aeronautical radio navigation service
4) aeronautical broadcasting service
What is the ule pertaining to the protection of aeronautical telecommunication stations?
All aeronautical telecommunication stations, including end systems and intermediate systems of the aeronautical telecommunication network (AFTN), shall be protected from unauthorized direct or remote access.
What shall the competent authority do inregard to to change in normal hours of service?
Whenever necessary and practicable , the Competent Authority shall give notification of any change in the normal hours of service, before such a change is effected, to the aeronautical telecommunication agencies designated to receive this information by other Administrations concerned. Such changes shall also, whenever necessary, be promulgated in NOTAM.
Who designates the authority responsible for ensuring that the international telecommunications service is conducted in accordance with annex 10?
Each state shall designate the authority responsible for ensuring that the international telecommunications service is conducted in accordance with the procedures of this Annex(10).
What shall be done when a state commits serious and repeated infringements?
When a state commits serious or repeated infringements, representations relating to them shall be made to the authority designated in 2.4.1 of the state to which the situation belongs by the authority which detects them.
rule pertaining to maintenance of a telecommunication log
A telecommunication log, written or automatic, shall be maintained in each station of the aeronautical telecommunication service except that an aircraft station, when using radiotelephony in direct communication with an aeronautical station, need not maintain a telecommunication log.
What is the purpose of a telecommunication log?
The telecommunication log will serve as a protection, should the operator’s watch activities be investigated. it may be required as legal evidence.
When should Aeronautical stations record messages?
Recommendation - Aeronautical stations should record messages at the time of their receipt, except that, if during an emergency the continued manual recording would result in delays in communication, the recording of messages may be temporarily interrupted and completed at the earliest oppurtunity.
Who shall make entries in written logs?
In written logs, entries shall be made only by operators on duty except that other persons having knowledge of facts pertinent to the entries may certify in the log the accuracy of operators’ entries.
How shall entries in written logs be?
All entries shall be complete, clear, correct and intelligible. Superfluous marks or notations shall not be made in the log.
Who makes corrections in written logs and how shall they be made?
In written logs, any necessary correction in the log shall be made only by the person making the initial entry. The correction shall be accomplished by drawing or typing a single line through the incorrect entry, initialling same, recording the time and date of correction. The correct entry shall be made on the next line after the last entry.
How long shall telecommunications logs be retained?
Telecommunication logs, written or automatic shall be retained for a period of at least thirty days. When logs are pertinent to inquiries or investigations they shall be retained for longer periods until it is evident that they will be no longer required.
List some information that shall be entered in written logs.
The following information shall be entered in written logs:
a) the name of the agency operating the station;
b) the identification of the station
c) the date;
d) the time of opening and closing the station;
e) the signature of each operator, with the time the operator assumes and relinquishes a watch;
f) the frequencies being guarded and type of watch (continuous or scheduled) being maintained on each frequency;
g) ……
What is the rule pertaining to answering calls?
All stations shall answer calls directed to them by other stations in the aeronautical telecommunication service and shall exhcange communicaitons upon request.
When shall abbreviations and codes be used in the international telecommunications service?
Abbreviations and codes shall be used in the international telecommunication service whenever they are appropriate and their use will shorten or otherwise facilitiate communication.
What shall the aeronautical fixed service comprise?
The aeronautical fixed service shall comprise the following systems and applications that are used fir ground- ground (ie point to point and/or point to multipoint) communications in the international aeronautical telecommunication service.
a) ATS direct speech circuits and networks;
b) meteorological operational circuits, networks and broadcast systems;
c) the aeronautical fixed telecommunications network (AFTN)
d) the common ICAO data interchange network (CIDIN);
e) the air traffic services (ATS) message handling services and
f) the inter center communications (ICC)
What is the rule pertaining to the use of characters not listed in the allowed characters?
Characters other than those listed above shall not be used in messages unless absolutely necessary for understandning of the text. When used, they shall be spelled out in full.
How shall the text of messages in the AFS be drafted?
The text of messages shall be drafted in plain language or in abbreviations and codes, as prescribed in 3.7.
When shall the originator avoid the use of plain language in messages in AFS? What words and phrases shall not be used?
The originator shall avoid the use of plain language when reduction in the length of the text by appropriate abbreviations and codes is practicable. Words and phrases which are not essential, such as expressions of politeness shall not be used.
What is rule pertaining to compatibility of Meteorological operational channel procedures?
Meteorological operational channel procedures and meteorological operational communication network procedures shall be compatible with aeronautical fixed telecommunications network (AFTN) procedures.
What comrpises the distress message category (AFS)?
Distress messages (priority indicator SS). This message category shall comprise those messages sent by mobile stations reporting that they are threatened by grave and imminent danger and all other messages relative to the immediate assistance required by the mobile station in distress.
What comprises an urgency message category (AFTN)?
Urgency messages (priority indicator DD). This category shall comprise messages concerning the safety of a ship, aircraft or other vehicles, or of some person on board or within sight.
What is the rule pertaining to service message priority indicator?
Service messages shall be assigned the appropriate priority indicator.
Who shall service messages correcting errors in transmission be addressed to?
Service messages correcting errors in transmission shall be adressed to all the addressees that will have received the incorrect transmisison.
Where shall a reply to a service message be adressed?
A reply to a service message shall be adressed to the station which originated the initial service message.
How shall a service message be further identified?
A service message, other than one acknowledging receipt of SS messages, shall be further identified by the use of the abbreviation SVC as the first item in the text.
What is the oder of priority for transmisison of messages?
The order of priority for the transmission of messages in the aeronautical fixed telecommunication network shall be as follows: (transmission priority/ priority indicator)
1 SS
How shall communications be routed?
All communications shall be routed by the most expeditous route available to effect delivery to the addressee.
Who does the responsibility of establishing communication rest with?
Except as otherwise provided, the responsibility of establishing communication shall rest with the station having traffic to transmit.
Who controlls duration of communications between aircraft stations? What shall be obtained if this communication takes place on an ATS frequency?
In communications between aircraft stations, the duration of communication shall be controlled by the aircraft station which is receiving, subject to the intervention of an aeronautical station. If such communications take place on an ATS frequency, prior permission of the aeronautical station shall be obtained. Such reports for permission are not required for brief exchanges.
The categories of messages handled by aeronautical mobile service
The categories of messages handled by the aeronautical mobile service and the order of priority in the establishment of communications and the transmission of messages shall be in accordance with the following table.
a) Distress calls, distress messages and distress traffic
b) urgency messages including messages preceded by the medical transports signal
c) communications relating to direction finding
d) flight safety messages
e) meteorological messages
f) flight regularity messages
What messages shall air traffic services units using direct pilot controller communications channels be required to handle?
Air traffic services units using direct pilot controller communication channels shall only be required to handle the flight regularity messages provided this can be acheived without interference with their primary role and no other channels are available for the handling of such messages
Rule pertaining to cancellation of incomplete transmission
If a message has not been completely transmitted when instructions to cancel are received, the station transmitting the message shall instruct the receiving station to disregard the incomplete transmission. This shall be effected in radiotelephony by use of an appropriate phrase
What is recommendation pertaining to cancellation of complete transmission?
Recommendation - When a completed message transmission is being held pending correction and the receiving station is to be informed to take no forwarding action, or when delivery or onward relay cannot be accomplished, transmission should be cancelled. This should be effected in radiotelephony by the use of an appropriate phrase.
Who is responsible for further action regarding cancellation of transmisison?
The station cancelling a transmission shall be responsible for any further action required.
When shall abbreviated radiotelephony call signs be used? When shall an aircraft use it’s abbreviated call sign?
Abbreviated radiotelephony call signs shall be used only after satisfactory communication has been established and provided that no confusion is likely to arise. An aircraft station shall use its abbreviated call sign only after it had been addressed in this manner by the aeronautical station.
reply to a test transmission
The reply to a test transmission should be as follows:
a) identification of the aircraft;
b) the identification of the aeronautical station replying;
c) the frequency being used.
What shall acknowledgement of receipt of transmission by an aeronautical station comprise of?
When acknowledgement of receipt is transmitted by an aeronautical station:
1) to an aircraft station: it shall comprise the call sign of the aircraft, followed if considered necessary by the call sign of the aeronautical station;
2) to another aeronautical station: it shall comprise the call sign of the aeronautical station that is acknowledging receipt
Who terminates a radiotelephony conversation?
A radiotelephony conversation shall be terminated by the receiving station using its own call sign
What shall be done when an error has been made in transmission of message radiotelephony.
When an error has been made in transmission the word “Correction” shall be spoken, the last correct group or phrase repeated , and then the correct version trasnmitted.
What shall be done when correcting by repeating the whole message radiotelephpony?
If a correction can be best made by repeating the entire message, the operator shall use the phrase “Correction, I SAY AGAIN” before transmitting a second time.
What shall receiving operator do if they are in doubt as to the correctness of a message received?
If the receiving operator is in doubt as to the correctness of the messafe received, he shall request repetition either in full or in part.
What shall be done if repetition of an entire message is required? A portion of message?
If repetition of an entire message is required, the words “SAY AGAIN” shall be spoken. If repitition of a portion of a message is reuired, the operator shall state: “SAY AGAIN ALL BEFORE…(first word satisfcatorily received)”; or SAY AGAIN…(word before missing portion) TO…(word after missing portion)”; or “SAY AGAIN ALL AFTER…(last work satisfactorily received)”.
What is the rule pertaining to suspension of operation of an aircraft station or aeronautical station? When operation is resumed?
When it is necessary for an aircraft station or aeronautical station to suspend operation for any reason, it shall, if possible, so inform other stations concerned, giving the time at which it is expected that operation will be resumed. When operation is resumed, other stations concerned shall be so informed.
What is the rule pertaining to establishment of communications by aircraft stations? (Who shall aircraft establish communications with?)
Aircraft stations shall, if possible, communicate directly with the air-ground control radio station appropriate to the area in which the aircraft are flying. If unable to do so, aircraft stations shall use any relay means available and appropriate to transit messages to the air ground control radio station.
What shall an aeronautical station that has been unable to establish contact with an aircraft do? When shall this provision be applied?
When an aeronautical station has been unable to establish contact with the aircraft stations after calls on the frequencies on which the aircraft is believed to be listening, it shall:
a) request other aeronautical stations to render assistance by calling the aircraft and relaying traffic, if necessary;
b) request aircraft on the route to attempt to establish communication with the aircraft and relay traffic, if necessary.
This provision shall be applied:
a) on request of the air traffic services unit concerned,
b) when an expected communication from an aircraft has not been received within a time period such that the occurrence of a communication failure is suspected.
What shall an aeronautical station do with an air report or a message containing meteorological information?
The aeronautical station receiving an air report or a message containing meteorological information transmitted by an aircraft in flight shall forward the message without delay:
1) to the air traffic services unit and meteorological offices associated with the station;
2) to the aircraft operating agency concerned or it’s representative when that agency has made a specific request to receive such messages.
What shall flight safety messages of the AFTN contain?
Flight safety messages (priority indicator FF) shall comprise:
a) movement and control messages
b) messages originated by an aircraft operating agency of immediate concern to aircraft in flight or preparing to depart;
c) meteorological messages restricted to SIGMET information, special air reports, AIRMET messages, volcanic ash and tropical cyclone advisory information and amended forecasts.
What shall flight regularity messages comprise?
Flight regularity messages (GG) shall comprise:
a) aircraft load messages required for balance and weight computation
b) messages concerning changes in aircraft operating schedules
c) messages concerning aircraft servicing
d) messages concerning changes in collective requirements for passengers, crew, and cargo covered by deviation from normal operating schedules;
e) messages concerning non routine landings
What priority shall messages requesting information take?
Messages requesting information shall take the same priority indicator as the category of message being requested except where a higher priority is warranted for flight safety.
What is rule pertaining to discipline of communications?
In all communications, the highest standard of discipline shall be observed at all times.
What is the rule when an aeronautical station is called by multiple stations simultaneously?
When an aeronautical station is called simultaneously by several aircraft stations, the aeronautical station shall decide the order in which aircraft shall communicate.
How shall aeronautical stations in the aeronautical mobile service be identified?
Aeronautical stations in the aeronautical mobile service shall be identified by
a) the name of the location and
b) the unit or service available
What shall radiotelephony communications commence with when it is desired to establish contact?
Communications shall commence with a call and a reply when it is desired to establish contact, except that, when it is certain that the station called will receive the call, the calling station may transmit the message, without waiting for a reply from the station called.
What is the rule pertaining to the action of an operator and acknowledgement of receipt?
The receiving operator shall make certain that the message has been received correctly before acknowledging receipt.
What shall a date time group consist of?
A date time group shall consist of six figures, the first two figures representing the date of the month and the last four figures the hours and minutes in UTC.
What is rule pertaining to receive failure?
When an aircraft station is unable to establish communication due to receiver failure it shall, transmit reports at the scheduled times, or positions, on the channel in use, preceded by the phrase “transmitting blind due to receiver failure”. The aircraft station shall transmit the intended message, following this by a complete repetition. During this procedure, the aircraft shall also advise the time of its next intended transmission.
What shall the station addressed by an aircraft in distress do?
The station addressed by an aircraft in distress, or first station acknowledging the distress message shall:
A) immediately acknowledge the distress message
B) take control of the communication or specifically and clearly transfer that responsibility, advising the aircraft if a transfer is made;
C) take immediate action to ensure that all necessary information is made available, as soon as possible, to:
1) the ATS unit concerned;
2) the aircraft operating agency concerned, or it’s representative, in accordance with pre-established arrangements;
d) warn other stations, as appropriate, in order to prevent the transfer of traffic to the frequency of the distress communication
What is the rule pertaining to the imposition of silence?
The station in distress, or the station in control of distress traffic, shall be permitted to impose silence, either on all stations of the mobile service in the area or on any station which interferes with the distress traffic. It shall address these instructions “to all stations”, or to one station only according to the circumstances. In either case it shall use:
-Stop transmitting
-the radiotelephony distress signal MAYDAY