Aircraft Flashcards
Where is the nationality mark of an aircraft selected from?
The nationality mark shall be selected from the series of symbols included in the radio call signs allocated to the state of registry by the ITU. The nationality mark shall be notified to the ICAO.
How is the registration mark constructed?
The registration mark shall be letters, numbers or a combination of letters and numbers, and shall be that assigned by the state of registry or common mark registering authority.
Which combinations shall not be used in registration marks?
When letters are used for the registration mark, combinations shall not be used which might be confused with the five letter combinations used in the international code of signals, three letter combinations beginning with Q used in the Q code, and with the distress signal SOS or other similar urgent signals, for example XXX, PAN and TTT.
how shall nationality or registration marks be applied to an aicraft?
The nationality or common mar and registration mark shall be painted on the aircraft or shall be affixed by any other means ensuring a similar degree of permanence. The marks shall be kept clean and visible at all times.
What are the four forces affecting an airplane in flight?
Weight, drag, thrust and lift
Explain thrust as a force acting on an aircraft in flight.
A manmade force that counteracts the drag. It is supplied by the power plant (engine)
Explain drag as a force acting on an aircraft in flight.
A natural force that resists objects moving throught the air. It is not present in a vacuum and is determined by size, shape, speed, density of air and amount of friction.
Explain weight as a force acting on an aircraft in flight.
A natural force acting downward and affects all objects in the air or on the ground. It is the force of gravity acting on an object
Explain lift as a force acting on an aircraft in flight.
A man made force that counteracts weight. It is supplied by the wings and otherlift devices.
What are the parts of an aircraft?
Landing gear, propeller, horizontal tail wing, vertical tail wing, main wing, flaps, airplane sensors,
Who assigns registration marks to an aircraft ?
The state of registry or a common mark registration authority.
Who assigns registration marks to an aircraft ?
The state of registry or a common mark registration authority.
What are the wings of the plane and their function?
The wings are the most important lift producing part of the aircraft.
What is the empennage of a plane and what is its function?
The empennage or tail assembly provides stability and control for the aircraft.
What are the two main parts of the empennage?
The vertical stabalizer (fin) to which the rudder is attached;
The horizontal stabalizer to which the elevators are attached.
What is the landing gear and its function?
The undercarriage or landing gear consists of struts wheels and brakes
What are the nine recognition features of an aircraft?
1) Size
2) Number of engines
3) Wing Configuration
4) Wing Configuration
5) Tail Configuration
6) Position of Engines
7) Wing Placement
8) Fuselage Design/Shape
9) Landing Gear Configuration
What are the ailerons and their function?
The ailerons are flap like structures on the trailing edge of the wings - one on each side responsible for making the airplane roll.
Name all of the control surfaces of an airplane.
The control surfaces of an airplane are Ailerons, Elevators and a Rudder
List the four wing types.
Straight Wings, Sweep Wings, Delta Wings, Swing-wing
What are parameters for subsonic, transonic, supersonic, hypersonic?
What does the amount of lift wings will get depend on?
1) Their Shape
2) Their Area
3) The density of air through which they fly
4) The speed at which air passes over them
5) The angle of attack
How can lift be increased?
Lift can be increased in two ways:
1) By increasing the forward speed of the airplane
2) By increasing the angle of attack
What is stability?
Stability is the ability of an airplane to return, of its own accord, to its original attitude in flight after it has been disturbed by some outside force, like wind gusts.
What direction does the vertical finmaintain stability in? the horizontal stabalizer?
The vertical fin helps to maintain stability in the direction of yaw. The horizontal stabalizer helps to maintain stability in the directions of pitch and roll.
In what form shall the letters and numbers of nationality, common and registration marks be?
The letters shall be capital letters in Roman characters without ornamentation. Numbers shall be Arabic numbers without ornamentation.
What is rule pertaining to identification plate?
An aircraft shall carry an identification plate inscribed with at least its nationality or common mark and registration mark. The plate shall be made of fireproof metal or other fireproof material of suitable physical properties.
What is rule pertaining to the position of an identification plate?
The identification plate shall be secured to the aircraft in a prominent position near the main entrance or:
a) in the case of an unmanned free balloon, affixed conspicuously to the exterior of the payload; and
b) in the case of a remotely piloted aircraft, secured in a prominent position near the main entrance or compartment or affixed conspicuously to the exterior of the aircraft if there is no main entrance or compartment.
How shall marks appear on the wings of heavier than air aircraft?
On heavier-than-air aircraft, the marks shall appear once on the lower surface of the wing structure. They shall be located on the left half of the lower surface of the wing structure unless they extend across the whole of the lower surface of the wing structure. So far as is possible, the marks shall be equidistance from the leading and trailing edges of the wings. The tops of the letters and numbers shall be toward the leading edge of the wing.
How shall marks appear on the fuselage on heavier than air aircraft?
On heavier than air aircraft, the marks shall appear either on each side of the fuselage(or equivalent structure) between the wings and the tail surface or on the upper halves of the vertical tail surfaces. When located on a single vertical tail surface, they shall appear on both sides. When located on multivertical tail surfaces, they shall appear on the outboard sides of the outer surfaces.
What is rule pertaining to height of markings on a wing?
The height of the marks on the wings of heavier than air aircraft shall be atleast 50 centimeters.
What is rule pertaining to marks on the fuselage?
The height of the marks on the fuselage (or equivalent structure) and on the vertical tail surfaces of heavier-than-air aircraft shall be at least 30 centimeters.
What are slats?
Slats perform the same function of flats( they temporarily alter the shape of the wing to increase lift), but they are attached to the front of the wing instead of the rear. They are also deployed on takeoff and landing.
Four types of slats?
Ventilated,Sealed, Droop nose, kruger
What shape is a propellor blade?
A blade has an airfoil shape which generates lift as the blade slices through the air. Because the propeller is pointed forward the force generated is in a forward direction - that is it thrusts the plane forward.
What is the power plant of an aircraft and what are four type?
The power plant is simply the propulsion system and consists of the engines.
piston, turboprop, turbojet and turbofan
Types of straight wing?
Rectangular, tapered, rounded or elliptical
Types of sweepback wing?
Slight, moderate, great, forward