Chemistry Term 1 Test Flashcards
Magnetic attraction
a magnet can be used to seperate man=gnetic solids from non-magnetic ones
a sieve can be used to seperte solids of different particle size
using suitable solvents
a suitbale solevent can be used to seperate a solid-solid mixture where only 1 solid is soluble in the solvent
solvent - liquid that dissolves solids (greater quantity)
solute - solids that dissolves in solvent (smaller quantity)
can be used to seperate substance that changes fron solid to gases directly
can be used to seperate insoluble solids from liquids
in filter funnel - residue
in beaker - filtrate
evaporation to dryness
evaporation to dryness is used to separate a dissolved solid from its solvent by heating the mixture untill all the solvent has vaporised
solvent - liquid that dissolves solids (greater quantity)
solute - solids that dissolves in solvent (smaller quantity)
used to obtain a pure solid from its saturated solution
saturate solution - one in which no more solute can be dissolved
if a solute decomposes of breaks frown into simpler substances when heated crystalisation is used
Simple distillation
used to separate a pure solvent from a solution
Miscible liquids
forms a homogenous solution when mixed tgt
imMiscible liquids
hetergenous mixture of 2 or more imMiscible liquids
can separate into layers known as phases when left to rest
separating funnel
used to separate immisible liquids
used to seprate a mixture of substances on the paper after chromatgraphy
pencil is used as it is insoluble in the solvent
Rf value -> distance travelled by substance/ distance travelled by solvent
Fractional distilation
used to seperate miscible liquids with different boiling points
a fractionating column which contains glass beads.small solids ewbich produce larger ESA for the vapor to condesnse on is added
Fractional distilation industrail application
oil refineries separate different substances from crude oil
liquified air is sepratayed to produce nitrogen, oxygen and argon gas