chapter 9 Flashcards
condition in which all of the body’s systems are balanced and are working together to maintain internal stability, when body systems are working at their best
for homeostasis to occur, the physical and chemical processes, that must be working at a steady level, when dz or injury occurs, body’s metabolism is disrupted and homeostasis is lost
body systems
integumentary, musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, gastrointestinal, endocrine, reproductive, immune/lymphatic
each has a specific function; cells (building blocks of body) - tissues (group of cells that perform a similar task) - organs (have specific function)- body systems
integumentary system
largest organ and system in body is the skin, functions are to protect internal organs from injury, protect body against bacteria, and prevent loss of too much water, also responds to heat, cold, pain, touch, and pressure, and regulates body temperature
when blood vessels widen when outside temp is too high, which brings more blood to the surface to cool it off
when blood vessels narrow, when outside temp is too cold, to restrict amt of blood reaching skin, so the blood vessels help body retain heat
dermis of skin
contains capillaries, nerves, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair roots, where hair grows from
epidermis of skin
has no blood vessels and only a few nerve endings, contains both dead and living cells, contains pigment cells that give skin its color
musculoskeletal system
made up of muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, functions: to give body shape and structure, to allow body to move, to protect body organs, to maintain posture, and to produce heat
muscle atrophy
when muscle wastes away, decreases in size,a nd becomes weak
muscle contracture
when muscle or tendon shortens, becomes inflexible, and freezes in position
central nervous system, which is composed of brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system, deals with periphery of the body via the nerves that extend throughout the body
cerebrospinal fluid, fluid that circulates around brain and spinal cord to provide a cushion against injury
has 3 main sections, cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem, with outer layer of cerebrum is cerebral cortex
cerebral cortex
part of brain in which thinking, analysis, association of ideas, judgment, emotions, and memory occur. also directs speech and emotions, interprets messages from eyes ears nose tongue skin and controls voluntary muscle movement
divided into right and left hemispheres
right hemisphere
controls movement and function in left side of the body so any illness/injury to right hemisphere affects left side
left hemisphere
controls movement and function in the right side of the body so any illness/injury to left hemisphere affects right side
controls balance and regulates body’s voluntary muscles, produces and coordinates smooth movements,
connects the cerebrum and cerebellum to spinal cord, is a regulatory center, controls HR, breathing, swallowing, coughing, vomiting, and closing/opening of blood vessels
nervous system
functions are to control and coordinate all body functions and to sense, interpret, and respond to changes occurring both inside and outside human body
sense organs
eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, part of CNS bc they contain receptors that receive impulses from environment that they relate impulses to nerves
outer part of eye, appears white except in front where it is called the cornea
clear outer layer of eye, but appears colored bc it lies over the iris
colored part of eye
black circle in center of iris that widens or narrows to adjust the amt of light that enters the eye
at back of eye that contains cells that respond to light and send a message to the brain where the picture is interpreted so a person can see
provides balance and hearing, divided into 3 parts, outer middle and inner ear
outer ear
funnel-shaped part called auricle or pinna that guides sound waves into auditory canal,
auditory canal
contains many glands that secrete earwax
aka tympanic membrane, separates outer ear from middle ear
middle ear
consists of eustachian tube and three ossicles, small bones that amplify sound
amplify sound and transmit sound to inner ear
eustachian tube
connects middle ear to throat, functions to allow air into middle ear to equalize pressure on TM
inner ear
contains fluid that carries sound waves from middle ear to auditory nerve, which then transmits the impulse to brain, also contain structures that help in maintaining balance
circulatory system
made up of heart, blood vessels, and blood, functions are to supply food, oxygen, and hormones to cells and ot supply body with infection-fighting blood cells, removes waste products from cells and also helps control body temperature
is pump of circulatory system and is a muscle, made up of 3 layers, pericardium, myocardium, and endocardium, divided into 4 chambers
left atrium and right atrium
receives blood
left and right ventricle
pumps blood
contracting phase, when ventricles pump blood through blood vessels
resting phase, when chambers fill with blood
carry oxygen rich blood away from heart
tiny blood vessels that receive blood from arteries, is where nutrients, oxygen, and other substances in blood pass from capillaries to cells, waste products, include CO2 pass from cells into capillaries
carry blood containing waste products from capillaries back to heart
inferior vena cava, carries blood from legs and trunk
superior vena cava, carries blood from head and arms and neck
made up of 3 types of blood cells and plasma, RBCs (erythrocytes), WBCs (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes)
carry oxygen from lungs to all parts of body, produced by bone marrow (substance found inside hollow bones), iron found in bone marrow and RBCs
defend body against foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses, produced by bone marrow, spleen and thymus gland
cause blood to clot, preventing excess bleeding, also produced in bone marrow
liquid portion of blood, made up of mostly water and carries many substances, including blood cells, nutrients, and waste products
body taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide, air - nose/mouth - pharynx - larynx - trachea - bronchi - bronchioles - alveoli - capillaries - where CO2 and O2 are exchanged, then oxygenated blood circulate through capillaries and venules (small veins)-pulmonary vein and into left atrium,
membrane with two layers that covers each lung, one is attached to chest wall, other is attached to surface of lung, b/w two layers is a thin fluid that lubricates the layers, preventing them from rubbing together during breathing
respiratory system
functions are to bring oxygen into body and to eliminate carbon dioxide produced as body uses oxygen
urinary system
composed of two kidneys, two ureters, one urinary bladder, single urethra, and a meatus; has 2 important functions, through urine, to eliminate waste products created by cells and also maintains water balance in body
gastrointestinal system
made up of GI tract and accessory digestive organs;
GI tract
extends from mouth to anus, food passes from mouth-pharynx-esophagus-stomach-smallintestine-largeintestine-anus (as stool), functions are digestion, absorption, and elimination
accessory organs
teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
muscles of esophagus then move food into stomach through involuntary contractions
process of preparing food physically and chemically so that it can be absorbed into the cells
transfer of nutrients from intestines to cells
process of expelling wastes (made up of waste products of food and fluids) that are not absorbed into cells
endocrine system
made up of glands in different areas of the body
organs that produce and secrete hormones, functions are to maintain homeostasis through hormone secretion, influence growth and development, maintain BS levels, regulate levels of calcium and phosphate in body, also regulates body’s ability to reproduce and determines how fasts metabolize
chemical substances created by the body that control numerous body functions, carried in blood to various organs
pituitary gland
master gland, located behind eyes/at base of brain, secretes key hormones that causes other glands to produce other hormones
growth hormone
regulates growth and development
Antidiuretic hormone
ADH, controls balance of fluids in body
causes uterus to contract during and after childbirth
thyroid gland
regulated by pituitary gland, located in neck, in front of larynx, produces thyroid hormone which regulates metabolism, burning of food for heat and energy
parathyroid glands
secrete hormone that regulates body’s use of calcium, nerves and muscles require calcium to run smoothly, defiency of this hormone can cause severe muscle contracts and spasms
secretes insulin, which works to move glucose from blood into cells for energy
adrenal glands
in kidneys, that produce hormones important to life bc they regulate carb metabloism, also control bodys rxn to stress and regulate salt and water absorption in kidneys, also produce adrenaline (regulates muscle power, HR, BP,e nergy levels during stressful situations or emergencies
sex glands, produces hormone that regulates body’s ability to reproduce, testes produce testosterone, ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone
the male gonads; located in the scrotum, and produces sperm and testosterone; sperm travels from testes -epididymis - vas deferens - seminal vesicle (where semen is produced and carries sperm) - ejaculatory ducts - prostate gland - urethra - penis
the female gonads; located on each side of the uterus , and produces ovum and estrogen/progesterone; ovary - fallopian tube - uterus - cervix - vagina
reproductive system
function is to manufacture sperm and testosterone in males and manufactures ova and estrogen/progesterone in females; also provides an environment for the development of a fetus and produces milk for nourishment of baby after birth
nonspecific immunity
protects body from disease in general, through anatomic barriers (skin, MM, saliva, tears, mucous secretions), physiologic barriers (raising body temp fever to kill off invaders) acidity of certain organs like stomach), or inflammatory responses (inflammation, swelling, which indicates that the body has sent extra dz fighting cells and extra blood to infected area to fight infection)
specific immunity
protects against a particular disease that is invading the body at a given time, to protect against specific dz the body makes diff types of cells that fight a range of diff invaders, once invader eliminated, immune system makes antibodies, which are carried in cells and will prevent dz from threatening body second time
acquired immunity
type of specific immunity, and acquires it either by fighting an infection or by vaccination
lymphatic system
removes excess fluids and waste products from body’s tissues, helps immune system fight infection, closely related to immune and circulatory systems, consists of lymph vessels and lymph capillaries in which a fluid called lymph circulates, has no pump, circulated by muscle activity, massage, and breathing
clear yellowish fluid that carries disease fighting cells called lymphocytes
lymph nodes
located in neck groin, and armpits, swelling may occur in lymph nodes when body is fighting an infection; filters out germs and waste products carried from tissues by lymph fluid, after lymph fluid has been purified it flows into bloodstream
immune/lymphatic system
functions to protect body against disease causing bacteria, viruses, and microbes and to remove excess fluids and waste products from body’s tissues