Chapter 8 Flashcards
What is the most common type of eating disorder?
What are the DSM5 critereiia for bulimia?
i. Recurrent episodes of binge eating
ii. Recurrent inappropriate behavriours to offset weight gain
iii. Occurs at least once a week for at least three months
iv. Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body weight
v. Disturbance does not occur exclusively during periods of anorexia
Which purging type has the most compulsive behaviours?
What are the two types of bulimia?
i. Exercising type (rare)
ii. Purging type (common)
What are six medical consequences for bulimia?
i. Salivary gland enlargement (making face look chubby)
ii. Erosion of enamel from repeated vomiting
iii. Electrolyte imbalance
iv. Develop more body fat than age and weight matched controls
v. Intestinal damage from laxative use
vi. Calluses on fingers from forcing gag reflex
What medical disorders associated with bulimia
i. High comorbidity with anxiety and mood disorders
ii. Commonly, there is substance abuse
iii. Poor impulse control
How is anorexia different from bulimia?
i. Differs from Bulimia in that they are very successful at losing weight through extraordinary control to the point of putting their lives in danger
What are the DSM 5 criteria for bulimia?
i. Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements
ii. Intense fear of gaining weight
iii. Persistant lack of recognition of the seriousness of current low body weight
Define anorexia
i. Characterized by intense fear of obesity and relentless pursuit of thinness, marked disturbance in body image
ii. Have tendency to over-estimate body weight, never satisfied with weight loss
What are the two subtypes of anoexia
- Restricted type
a. Diet to limit calorie intake - Binge-eating, purging type
a. Differ from bulimia in that they eat small amounts of food and purge regularly
What are four consequences for anorexia
- Cessation of menstruation
- Intolerance of cold temperatures
- Lanugo
a. Downy hair on limbs and cheeks - If vomiting is present, electrolytic imbalance may result
What are the DSM 5 criteria for BED
i. Recurrent episodes of binge eating
ii. Marked distress regarding the binge
iii. Occurs at least once a week for three months
iv. Not associated with compensatory behaviours like purging
What is the most likely demographic for BED
i. Males in later years
ii. Often on a weight-control program
What occurs when binging is mixed with dieting? Which sequence gives the worst outcome?
i. Those who binge FIRST are more likely to be severely affected by BED
What kind of people are most likely to have bulimia
i. Vast majority are women, with large minority of gay/bisexual men
What are some negative consequences of dieting?
i. Broken diets lead to bingeing
ii. Low self-esteem, food preoccupation, negative mood
what are three cross cultural considerations in eating disorders?
a. Overwhelmingly associated with Western culture, but becoming more homogenous
b. The disorder will develop in people immigrating to Western cultures when it wasn’t there before
c. Black girls in North America worry less about body image compared to white girls
How does development make females more prone to eating disorders?
i. Physical development during puberty brings boys closer to ideal, while it pulls girls further away
ii. Boys gain muscle tissue, girls gain fatty tissue
How did men rate body sizes?
- Men rated current, ideal, and female attractive size basically all the same
How did women rate body size?
- Women rated current figures as most heavy, which was heavier than male attractiveness, which in turn was higher than ideal from women