Chapter 6 Flashcards
What are the five types of somatic symptom and related disorders?
i. Somatic symptom disorder
ii. Illness anxiety disorder
iii. Psychological factors affecting medical condition
iv. Conversion disorder
v. Factitious disorder
What is the clinical description (DSM-5) of somatic symptom disorder?
- One or more somatic symptoms that are distressing and disrupt daily life
- Excessive thoughts and feelings related to somatic symptoms or associated health concerns
- Although the somatic symptom is not always there, they will being worrying about it for >6 months
What is the main factor to recognize in somatic symptom disorder?
ii. The main factor is not whether the symptom has a medical cause, but whether psychological and emotional processes are compounding the distress and impairment it causes
Define illness anxiety disorder
i. Symptoms are not present or very mild
ii. However, severe anxiety is focused on the possibility of having or developing a disease
What is also known as hypochondriasis
Illness anxiety disorder
What is the main factor in illness anxiety disorder?
the IDEA of being sick instead of the physical symptoms
why was the illness anxiety disorder classification made?
This category was made to report 20% of hypochondriasis cases that didn’t report symptoms, just worry
What do both somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder have in common with regards to other psychological issues
Often has high comorbidity with anxiety and mood disorders
What makes somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders unique from otheranxiety disorders?
disorders because the persons only object of worry is their own body
What percentage of people have Hypochondriasis
What is the most likely demographic to find somatic symptom disorder in?
- Unmarried women with low SES
What is the main cause of somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders
i. General consensus that this is a disorder of cognition and perception with strong emotional contributions
What is the vicious circle for somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders
ii. By quickly focussing on sensations, they actually increase arousal, giving you anxiety, which causes you to focus on sensations, starting vicious circle
What can be said about the sensitivity of people with somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders?
iii. These people have high sensitivity to illness cues, and interpret ambiguous stimuli as threatening
People with somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders have high sensitivity to illness cues. Why could this be caused by their familial context?
- A family may cause a person to learn to focus their anxiety on specific symptoms
What are two effective ways to treat somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorders?
i. Cogntive behavioural treatment (CBT) for illness anxiety
ii. Reassurance and education can actually be very effective
Define Psychological Factors affecting Medical Condition
i. Disorder is present with a diagnosed medical condition
ii. The anxiety over symptoms can actually worsen the symptoms
Define conversion disorder
i. Physical malfunction, such as blindness, seizures or paralysis, without any physical or organic pathology to explain it
What is another name for conversion disorder?
functional neurological symptom disorder