Chapter 3 part 2 Flashcards
Define behavioural assessment
i. Use of direct observation to formally assess the patients thoughts, feelings, and behaviour in specific context
ii. The goal is to examine the causes of certain target behaviours
What are the ABCs of observation?
- Antecedent
- prior events or triggers
- Behaviour
- The actual action of interest
- Consequence
- the results and consequences of behaviour
Define formal observation
- Identifying specific behaviours that are both specific and measureable
Define informal observation
- Rough notes during visit, elaboration later
Define self-monitoring
i. The patient themselves are the observer that report to clinician
ii. Used to gather more detailed information
What does self-reporting suffer from?
Reactivity: presence of observation changes behaviour
What are the three types of psychological test categories?
- Projective testing
- Personality inventories
- Intelligence testing
Define Rorschach ink blots
- Early projective test that was criticized for lack of reliability and validity
Define comprehensive projective system
- Attempted to standardize the Roschach ink blot
Define thematic appreciation test
- Asked to make a dramatic story about picture presented
- Reveals the personality of a person
- Widely used
Define the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
- Psychological test that relies solely on empirical evidence
- The person must answer yes/no questions about their personality
- The entire list of responses is then compared to the data base to see what disorder the responses are similar to
Define the revised pscyhopathy list
- Addresses the type and severity of psychopathy using a semi-structured interview that has a 20-point checklist
Define IQ test
predicts how well you will do in the EDUCATION system
Define neuropsychological testing
Essentially measures brain dysfunction
Does have some problems with false positives and negatives
What are the five areas that are measured in neuropsychological testing?
- Verbal IQ
- Spatial IQ
- Memory
- Ability to think abstractly
- Motor skills
What two techniques measure brain structure?
Cat scan and MRI
What is the uses of techniques like CAT scan and MRI?
- Identify brain damage
2. Identify abnormalities associated with specific disorders
What are three techniques used to measure brain function?
i. Positron Emission Tomography
ii. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
iii. Functional MRI
Define PET
- Tracer substance is highlighted in the brain, indicating which regions are active/inactive
- Can be super-imposed onto an MRI
What is a major function of PET
a. Used to look at how patterns of metabolism affect different disorders
Define SPECT
Much cheaper, but slightly less precise image option for PET
Define functional MRI
- An MRI that measures function of the brain\
2. This technique has largely replaced pet
Define Event-Related MRI
a. Allows for immediate measure of brains response to stimuli