Chapter 4 part 3 Flashcards
What are two techniques used to isolate a gene
- Genetic linkage analysis
2. Association studies
Define genetic linkage analysis
a. When a family disorder is studied, other inherited characteristics (genetic markers) are assessed at the same time
Define association studies
a. Compare markers in large group of people with a given disorder to a large group of people without the disorder
Define cross-sectional designs
- A cross section is taken across different ages of the population, where differences are examined
- Cohorts
a. The participants in each age groups
Define the cross-generational effect
a. Trying to generalize the findings in one group to a different group with a whole set of different experiences
Define a sequential design
- Involves repeated study of different cohorts over time
What were the first five principles of the nuremburg code?
i. Voluntary consent
ii. For good of society
iii. Animal experiments 1st; human experiments 2nd
iv. Avoid unnecessary suffering
v. Do not conduct if death & debility likely
What are the second five principles of the nuremburg code?
vi. Risk commensurate with benefits
vii. Protect subjects against even remote possibility of harm
viii. Conducted only by qualified persons
ix. Subjects should be at liberty to discontinue experiment
x. Terminate if becomes apparent that death or debility will occur
What are the principles of the Belmont Report
i. Respect for persons
ii. Beneficience
iii. Justice
Canadian Psychological Association of Ethics Guidelines
a. Respect for dignity of persons
b. Responsible caring
c. Integrity in relationships
d. Responsibility to society
Define informed consent
i. Involves client agreement to cooperate in the study with full understanding of the nature of treatment, their role, and expected benefit
What four things does informed consent involve?
i. Competence
ii. Voluntarism
iii. Full information
iv. Comprehension
the corresponding Applications of the Belmont report?
i. Informed consent
ii. Assessment of risks/ benefits
iii. Fair selection of participants
What aspect of the Canadian Psychological Association of Ethics Guidelines is given the highest weight?
Respect for dignity of persons
- Positive development strategies
a. Involve efforts to blanket entire populations of people to prevent later problems
- Universal prevention strategies
a. Focus on entire populations and target certain risk factors
- Selelctive prevention
a. Specifically targets whole groups at risk
- Indicated prevention
a. Used for individuals who are beginning to show signs of problems