Chapter 7-9 Absolutism, Science and Enlightenment Flashcards
Absolutism Wars of Louis XIV Philosophy and Science Enlightenment Enlightened Absolutism
Thomas Hobbes
An absolution theorist. Believed that the kings power came from his people
-People were naturally bad—
Jacques Bossuet (Tudor)
Louis XIV’s tudor and bishop. Believed that the kings power came from god.
Louis XIV
Used architects and artists to glorify his monarchy. He claimed “I am the state”
Sun King, ruled by divine Right, absolute ruler
Jean-Baptist Coulbert
Louis XIV’S controller general
- Collected taxes
- Employed surveyors and mapmakers to asses economic resources
- Introduced Mercantilism to France
Royal tax on land in France
Nobles and clergy did not have to pay.
“L’etat c’est moi”
Louis XIV
“I am the state”
-Got rid of parlement because they pissed him off
Nobles of the robe
Bought their “noble” title from Louis XIV.
-service or military stuff
Nobles of the sword
Nobles with long family history of being nobles.
-centuries of loyalty to the royal family
Louis moved his “courts” to Versailles. He also built a HUGE palace there.
-to show his power
Jean Baptiste Moliere (plays)
-Production specialist (plays)
Many productions praising the king Louis XIV
A religious movement. Emphasized original sin and the role of faith in religion
It opposed the Jesuits and advocated that humans could only achieve salvation through divine grace, not through good works.
Hugo Grotius
Dutch jurist (1583-1645) wanted to establish foundations of international law. (laws followed by nature, not from god) -WANTED TO MAKE INTERNATIONAL LAW
The strongest state in HRE = Habsburg Austria. Consisted of many different territories)
-Ruled for many, many years
Almost like parliament (same idea, not as powerful) in Prussia
-King still had a lot of power
Brought Prussia to a major absolute power. Nobles accepted his authority because he protected their privileges
Kinda like the dictator of their private land. Ruled their land how they wanted, but provided money and men for war to the monarch. (Prussian)
Brandenburg Prussia
The ruling dynasty of Prussia who developed many trade routs
-The original territory that became the empire of Prussia (Germany)
Frederick the “Great Elector”
He was able to vote in HRE election
Built army with Junkers $ and men and taxes
Established centralized administrative bureaucracy in Prussia
-Built up Large Army
A former principality in west-central Russia. Centered on Moscow, it was founded c. 1280 and existed as a separate entity until the 16th century, when it was united with another principality to form the nucleus of the early Russian empire. The name was then used for the expanded territory.
Ivan IV (expanded)
Ruler of Muscovy (1462-1505) lord of all Russia. Attacked Poland, took Mongol states, grew Russia.
- First Tzar of Russia
- Killed heir to throne
Queen Christina
Sold 2/3 of Royal land to sweetish nobles.
Nobles elected Tzar, restored order
-Started the long history of Romanov Dynasty
Charles XII
Relied heavily on his army, reclaimed sold lands
Swedish king who organized the Swedish forces during the Great Northern War, after defeating the Russians he went to invade Poland and Russia had a chance to reorganize
Peter the Great
Took Poland and Turkey. Transformed Muscovy into the Russian empire
-influenced by Western Europe Government
Great northern war
Russia, Denmark, and Saxony attacked Sweden 1700-1721. Ended on Russian becoming an empire
Table of ranks
Required all noble males to enter the state status (army,navy, or bureaucracy)
This allowed commoners who rose in ranks to achieve noble status
Peter the Great instituted it to create opportunities for non-nobles to serve the state and join the nobility. There were 14 levels. Each official was required to begin at level one and work his way up. When a non-noble reached the eighth rank, he became a noble.
Treaty of Pyrenees border
Ended ware between France and Spain.
Established present borders
Catherine the great
Incorporated Ukraine into Russian empire
This was the empress of Russia who continued Peter’s goal to Westernizing Russia, created a new law code, greatly expanded Russia, and continued the economic development under Peter the Great.
Treaty of Aix La Chapelle
France gains 12 border forts (not a lot)
End ware between France Vs. Dutch, Spain, England, and Sweden
Treaty of Ryswick
Ended War of League of Augsburg. Small land gains for France. All other powerful Europe states would ally against French if required
War of the League of Augsburg
France vs. England, Dutch, Spain, Sweden,Austria, HRE, Saxony, and German states.
-ends in peace
Treaty of Utrecht
Louis’ grandson becomes Spanish king. (division in Bourbon dynasty) Spain loses some land
War of Spanish succession
The Spanish king had no heir for the throne. Almost every major power competed
300 b.c
Teachings on the universe. Believed that the earth was the center of the universe. His teaching were spread by the church.
A roman writer. Math, astronomy, geographic.
Believed that the earth has round orbits
Nicolaks Copernicus (earth)
Polish astronomer. Believed that the earth is the center of the universe and that the earth revolves around it.
-Concerning the revolutions of the celestial spheres
Andreas Vesalius (dissected)
Dissected humans for scientific experiments. 1st skeleton
-church said this is bad
William Harvey (heart)
Believed the heart to be like a pump for blood flow
–he was right
Tycho Brahe (earth)
Believed that earth does not revolve around the sun. Sun= not center.
-recorded observations of planets
Johannes Kepler
Beloved that the earth moved and the sun is still ( through magnetic force)
-earth revolved on oval path
Constructed telescope.
Sun= rotates, center of universe
Earth= constant motion
Sir Francis Bacon
Separated science and philosophy. Used inductive reasoning.
- scientific thought
- he proved the existence of gravity which was then a key aspect in the creations of many important inventions such as the airplane and the space shuttle
Sir Isaac Newton
English guy who sought truth through scientific method ( reasoning and experimentation) developed theory of gravity. President of Royal society
Rene Descartes
French guy who sought to seek truths through deductive reasoning. “I thing therefore I am” beloved that every problem should be breaker down into smaller steps
Descartes developed a scientific method that depended more on assumption compared to the empirical study and induction.
Gottfried Libiniz (calc.)
He and newton (separately) invented calculus
Universe works according to laws
Baruch Spinosa
Reality: mind and matter
Believed in religious tolerance
~ Known as the FATHER OF SKEPTICISM: the idea that one should question everything
~Spinoza believed that God and nature are one and the same
Royal society
English institute of learning, diverse membership reflected growing interest
Christopher Wren (architect)
Architect who rebuilt some of London’s churches.
Edmund Halley (stars)
Cataloged and discovered the actual movement of stars
- used for navigation
- Halleys Commet
Margret Cavendish
Wrote many books on natural philosophy
Plays and poems
Hosted Newcastle circle
Newcastle Circle
A gathering of distinguished scientists. Hosted by Margret Cavendish
-talked about science
Robert Hooke
Member of Royal society
Measured atmospheric pressure
Improved microscope (multipele lenses)
Tabula rosa
Blank slate at birth. Everyone created equally
John Locke
Believed that the scientific method could be applied to study society. He also believed that everyone is a TABULA ROSA or a blank slate at birth.
The intellectuals of the enlightenment period. Looked for improvement
Montesquieu (wrote the…)
Wrote the spirit of laws( 1748) applied principles of observation, experimentation, and analysis to social and political foundations. Laws= subject to history Kings power came from his subjects -Gov. should be a separation of powers ---studied different govs.
Denis Diderot
Spent 25 years writing the encyclopedia
A French philosopher who believed in
- freedom of religion, expression, and
- separation of church and state.
- Wrote 20k letters and 2k books and pamphlets
An accumulation of philosophers works
60k articles, 2885 picture, 28 volumes
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Believed that reason was human nature. Also believed that authority should be separate, yet subordinate to a legislative power (parliament)
- society should nurture better people
- Social Contract
The social contract
People could join together for protection and justice, yet remain free individuals. One must give some natural rights in order for order and security.
-give rights for protection
John Wesley
An Anglican who wanted to “infuse ordinary people with religious enthusiasm.” preach and wrote to ordinary people. Methodism
-all people are equal in gods eyes
The beliefs that all people are equal in gods eyes. This upsetted the upper class
-popular among lower class
Hosed buy women, Salons brought rich people together to discuss philosophical topics
-philosophies and science
A decorative style base on the Baroque style. More attention to detail in decorations. A lot of curves
An Oprah writer and composer
-very famous musician
Fredrick the Great
A Prussian ruler who wanted to be remembered as an enlightened ruler. Believed that the French language was superior to all
- free speech, press
- no torture
- nobility= still cool
Catherine the great
A Russian ruler who believed and encouraged reading. Also established a school for nobles daughters to attend.
Joseph II
Structure and centralized the system of education in Prussia
- eliminated serfdom
- got rid of trade barriers
- religious toleration
- eliminated monopolies
- all = in the law
The Spirt of the Laws
political theory book written in 1748 by Montesquieu; said that the natural law of government was all about liberty and no abuse of power. he introduced his theory of the separation of powers, which was essentially the checks and balances system. SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE IT INFLUENCED THE WAY FUTURE GOV’TS WOULD RULE.
David Hume
“Question everything”
People are corrupted by society
Social contract- general will of people
Victor Emmanuel Kant
“Question everything”
And “dare to know”