Ch. 1 Renaissance Flashcards
City States Culture Art End of Renaissance
A major Italian City-State
- great banking, trading, art
- wealthiest Italian city
- ran by the Medici family
Popolo Grasso
“The Fat People”
- the city elite
- the highest social ranking in the city states
Popolo Minute
“The Little people”
- most of the city state population
- commoners
The military people of the city states
mercenary leaders employed by Italian city-states during the Renaissance
Francesco Sforza
Milan was also called a republic, but despots of the Sforza family ruled harshly and dominated the smaller cities of the North. The Sforza family left a major impact on Milan as how the smaller cities of the North were to be ruled with a certain government.
Cosimo de Medici
Head of the Medici family during the Early Renaissance who took control of Florentine politics after England defaulted on its debt from the Hundred Years War, banished important people from other families, family was wealthy due to banking and textiles.
Lorenzo the Magnificent
Head of Medici family towards the end of Early Renaissance, beginning of High Renaissance, was nearly assassinated, major patron of the arts, depicted in several works of Renaissance art, opened up banking between the pope and Medici.
“The Father of Humanism”, founding humanist, lived in the early Renaissance, lived in Avignon during the migration of the Papacy to that location. Collected and copied classical manuscripts.
Belief that man is the best focus of study (because God had made man with the power to create), revival of the classics of the Greco-Romans, reviving and correcting classical works, and creating new works in the style of the classics.
-the switch from study of LAW AND MEDICINE to the study of GRAMER, LOGIC, ARITHMETIC, GEOMETRY, MUSIC, ASTRONOMY, RHETORIC (7 liberal arts)
Dante “Divine Comedy”
named specific people who he saw in hell in Inferno (hell part of the Divine Comedy) including pope.
-Latin Classical Learning combined with Christian teachings
Baldassare Castiglione
- The Courtier
- Discusses ideal men & women
- Believed men should be talented in many fields
Leonardo da Vinci
“The Renaissance man”
- Jack of all trades
- employed by kings and popes
Albrecht Durer
artist who like the status of artists in Italy, famous for his metal and wood engravings, did “Praying Hands”
first to apply theories of classical architecture
-built the first dome ever
Duomo - first Italian freestanding dome since antiquit
Loved by the Medici’s
-made a mural in city hall
one of greatest painters of his era; portraits and Madonnas
Giotto de Bondone
the first great painter of the Renaissance, painted nature into his artwork
A painter who painted nude things
Pope Julius II
A pope who commissioned many great works of art from many great artists
Ottoman Turks
Islamic state founded by Osman in northwestern Anatolia ca. 1300. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire was based at Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) from 1453 to 1922. It encompassed lands in the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucasus, and eastern Europe.
Bartholomew Dias
Portuguese explorer, rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1487, providing access to the Indian Ocean
Peace of Lodi
Made in 1454, this ended a war among Milan, Florence, and Venice. Cosimo de Medici made a lasting peace by having an alliance between Milan, Naples, and Florence on one side, and Venice and the Papal States on the other. Lasted for 40 years, and represents one of earliest appearances in European history of a diplomatic balance of power for maintaining peace.
Charles VIII
French king who attempted to invade Italy
a Dominican friar in Florence who preached against sin and corruption and gained a large following; he expelled the Medici from Florence but was later excommunicated and executed for criticizing the Pope; wanted to overthrow the Medici Dynasty
Niccolo Machiavelli
(1469-1527) Wrote The Prince which contained a secular method of ruling a country. “End justifies the means.”
an Italian humanist; his writing reflected the unstability of Italy, which was invaded by the French and Spanish during Machiavelli’s lifetime; wrote Discourses on Livy and the Prince (saw ruthless dictators like Borgia as the best Italy could hope for in its current state)