Chapter 18 Age of Liberalism and Britain, Russia, and France Flashcards
Victorian Britain Czarist Russia France- second empire and 3rd republic
Queen Victoria
Queen of England, Victorian era
- happy middle class
- less church goers
- victorian age
Great Exposition
1851- the first worlds fair in London
- 6million visitors
- 100,000 exhibits
Crystal Palace
1,000,000 square foot structure at Great Exposition
Alexander II
Tzar of Russia
- eliminated serfs :)
- attempted to reform Russia
Aleksandr Pushkin
Russian author, attacked serfdom through his short stories
-very influential
Serfs freed for the control of the wealthy after 1500 serf rebellions in Russia
Mikhail Bakunin
Most famous anarchist
-led many revolts against Tsar
Russo-Turkish War
Russia wanted to expand, marched to Constantinople, Russia won
-wanted to recover lost land from Crimean war
Alexander III
Brutal policy towards revolutionists
- Russification (only Russian stuff at schools)
- More liberal reforms
Russo- Japanese War
- Russia wanted land near China
- built railways to area
- Japan attacked and won
Revolution of 1905
1891-1892: famine
1902: peasants attack noble land
1903: industrial strikes
1904: lost Ruso-Jap war
1905: 100,000 factory workers and nationalists protested on Bloody Sunday
Result of 1905 revolution
- a parliament with power to enact laws
- semi constitutional monarchy
October Manifesto
New Tzar Nicholas II
- promised a constitution, civil liberties, Duma
- wanted to calm people down
Reform Bill 1867
Important step toward the democratization of Britain; by lowering the monetary requirements for voting (taxes paid or income earned), it by and large enfranchised many male workers; from 1 million to 2 million; helped Liberal victory, 1868
Charles Darwin
British biologist who introduced the ideas of natural selection and evolution; argued that specific behaviors evolved because they led to advantages in survival or reproduction. Author of On the Origin of Species by the Means of Natural Selection
Crimean War
Conflict between the Russian and Ottoman Empires fought primarily in the Crimean Peninsula. To prevent Russian expansion, Britain and France sent troops to support the Ottomans.
Viscount Palmerston
Began political career as a Conservative, led the Whigs. “Lord Cupid”-outraged Queen V by trying to seduce ladies in waiting. Held together a coalition of Whigs determined to uphold laissez faire economic policies. Ordered the blockade of the Greek port of Piraeus in 1850 to enforce claims against Greek government. Led a small war against China in 1857 after China seized a pirate ship registered under the British flag. Refused to resign later and called for general election and based his appeal on patriotism.
Home Rule
A bill proposed by Ireland that provided for their self governed independence from England.
William Gladstone
British Liberal Party statesman and four times Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1868-74, 1880-85, 1886, 1892-94). He was also Chancellor of the Exchequer and a champion of the Home Rule Bill which would have established self-government in Ireland. Intense rival with Benjamin Disraeli.
Benjamin Disraeli
Leader of the Conservative party in England
- loved by the queen
- did not like Gladstone
- Once Prime minister
Second Empire
December 2, 1852: Louis Napoleon assumed the title of Napoleon III; Second Empire begins; Napoleon III controls armed forces, police, and civil service & only he could introduce legislation and declare war
Suez Canal
A canal by Egypt that allowed passage from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, which provided the fastest route by sea to reach Asia. Britain tried to control it to regulate trade.
Franco-Prussian War
France = mad about K. William I putting Prince Leopold on throne of Spain, demanded apology; provoked by Bismarck; so France declares war on Prussia; July 15, 1870; @ Sedan, September 2, 1870, - entire French army + Napoleon III captured; French lose Alsace + Lorraine
Paris Commune
An organization of disgruntled bourgeoisie members took over Paris in this. Adolphe Theirs organized an army to surround Paris and quell this uprising.
- temporary Provisional government
- ran things for a lil after Napoleon
Third Republic
Established by Thiers, they established public education. this began a new patriotic nationalistic movement.
Adolphe Thiers
He was a prime minister under King Louis-Philippe of France. Following the overthrow of the Second Empire he again came to prominence as the French leader who suppressed the revolutionary Paris Commune of 1871. From 1871 to 1873 he served initially as Head of State (effectively a provisional President of France), then provisional President
Boulanger Affair
1889; the attempt by General Georges Boulanger to orchestrate his election to the presidency of France and establish a military dictatorship. He skillfully manipulated the press and photo opportunities to endear himself to the agrarian poor of France, while maintaining his base of support among conservatives. Still, the coup attempt failed when he did not receive enough votes.
Dreyfus Affair
Captain Albert Dreyfus was accused of giving secret information to the Germans. He was a scapegoat(he was Jewish). Found guilty by a military court, sent to Devil’s Island. Evidence was reexamined. Determined that documents were formed to frame Dreyfus. Emile Zola exposes the truth. Leads to rise of anti-semtitism
Georges Clemenceau
French statesman who played a key role in negotiating the Treaty of Versailles (1841-1929)