Chapter 14 And 16 Industrial Revolution and Revolutions of 1848, Flashcards
Industrial Revolution Work and Workers 1848 Revolutions Crisis in Britain
Enclosure movements
1760-1815 in England
Parliament sold 7 million acres of public land. Poor farmers moved to the City to be workers
Agricultural revolution
People less dependent on hunting for food. Greater amounts of food farmed
Crop rotation
Growing different crops on the same soil to preserve the soil.
Thomas Malthus
Author of the Essay on Principle of Population. Argued that there is no way for famers to keep up with growing population.
Domestic industry
A stage of the industrial revolution with wage workers
James Watt
Invented of the steam engine
Large employer and efficient way to transport goods
Sip that runs on steam
Factory act of 1833
Limited labor of younger workers to 8hr/day
A major industrial revolution town. 1000s of poor and hungry workers.
Poor Law 1834
Established residential workhouses for the unemployed. 200K inmates
Combination act 1824
Prohibited labor unions
” spring time of the people’s”
A nickname for the 1848 revolutions. Demanded reform
Hungary/ magyars
Believed that Hungary could only survive within Austrian empire
Louis Napoleon
The nephew of Napoleon, he was elected president of the 2nd republic.
National workshops
This payed the unemployed to fix roads and level hills
Count Joseph Radetzky
Sent by Vienna to help Hungarian rebels against Hungary
June days
National workshops halted. –> Protest
3 day rebellion
3K killed, 4k deported, Ks jailed
“crown of the gutter”
King of Prussia’s response to being offered the throne of the proposed united Germany (poor)
Frankfurt Parliament
A German parliament for a united Germany and a constitution. Had liberal and nationalist ideas.
Napoleon lll
Became the emperor of France
Francis Joseph
Replaced his father as the king of Austria after he fled during the 1949 revolution
Reform Bill 1832
Got rid of the rotten and pocket boroughs. Doubled the number of voters.
Peterloo Massacre
This protest led to the government issuing the Six Acts. An orderly protest that was savagely broken up by armed cavalry. The reason for protest was for the repeal of the Corn Laws which brought widespread unemployment and postwar economic stress. The protest was held by mostly urban laborers, who were supported by radical intellectuals.
Peaceful protesters who believed that problems of the working class can be solved by changes in political organizations.
Rotten/pocket boroughs
Small boroughs with many voters. Larger areas controlled by an exclusive few
Corn laws
A tax placed on grain import in order to protect British corn. Very helpful for those in Britain who owned lots of land. This was repealed as a result of the Peterloo massacre.