Ch. 13 Napoleon and Europe Flashcards
Treaty of Campio-Formio
This treaty took Austria out of the war over French annexation of Belgium. It also marked Napoleon’s campaign and independent policy as successful.
-Only Britain is the enemy
Battle of the Nile
1798 Great Britain vs. France. Horatio Nelson and the British defeat Napoleon and France.
Horatio Nelson
English admiral who defeated the French fleets of Napoleon but was mortally wounded at Trafalgar (1758-1805)
Battle of the Pyramids
The battle in which Napoleon’s army destroyed the Mameluks/ Egyptian army and only lost 20 men.
Coup de Brumaire
General Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the French Directory with two other generals, replacing it with the French Consulate.
-writes new constitution with him as the new leader of France
The new French government under Napoleon
- Napoleon= first consul
- Napoleon constitution
Napoleonic political institution
- limited press
- “authority from above, confidence from below”
- a publicity stunt
This is the agreement between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon that healed the religious division in France by giving the French Catholics free practice of their religion and Napoleon political power
Battle of Trafalgar
French and Spanish fleets were destroyed by the British navy
- Britain = major naval power
- French no longer hoped to invade Britain
Battle of Austerlitz
On December 2, 1805 Napoleon defeated the combined Austrian and Russian forces at Austerlitz. The Treaty of Pressburg that followed won major concessions from Austria. The Austrians withdrew from Italy and left Napoleon control of everything north of Rome, where he was recognized as king of Italy
Battle of Jena
the battle in October 1806 in which Napoleon decisively defeated the Prussians., To punish Prussia for joining the Third Coalition, Napoleon engaged in this battle. He obliterated the Prussian army and occupied their capital city of Berlin. King of Prussia Fredrick william the third asked protection from the Tzar of Russia against Napoleon
Battle of Friedland
Napoleon then defeated the Russian army in June of 1807. Alexander I did not want to retreat through Russia, uncertain whether it might lead to a revolt of either the serfs or the nobles. So, agreed to negotiate with Napoleon.
Council of State
Admin body of French empire
- oversaw finances
- advised empire and drew up laws
State secondary schools, intended to give it’s students technical training and to produce loyal military officers and government officials from the graduates.
Civil Code (Napolionic Code)
Napoleon’s bargain with the middle class that reasserted equality of all male citizens before the law and absolute security of wealth and private property
- all equal under law
- free religion
- Those who served Napoleon well were awarded with titles and positions
- over 3,600 titles given
Grand Army
Combined French armies under Napoleon. Virtually destroyed during Napoleon’s ill-fated Russian campaign of 1812.
-600k to start, 40k left
Continental System
- Prohibited trade with Britain
- hoped to ruin their economy
- Gave up during 1811 depression
Peninsular Par
France was forced to invade Spain after the failure of Joseph Bonaparte. Very costly for Napoleon. The Duke of Wellington helped the Spanish.
French conquered states
- the states wanted freedom/ independence
- they rose up and fought
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Called on German Peoples (whoever spoke German) to rise up and to “reconquer our liberty by death”
Restored in 1814. Did grant VERY limited suffrage, legal equality and freedom of speech and press. So there was NOT a complete reversion to Old Regime in France. Louis XVIII was a sensible man but accompanied by return of swarm of vindictive emigres bent on “White Terror.”
Napoleon exiled to Elba after restoration of bourbon dynasty
100 DAYs
Louis escaped from Elba and attempted to take over Paris
- many followed him
- Allies said “NO”
Duke Wellington
British military leader who led the army to victory over Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo
Battle of Waterloo
Wellington, with the crucial help of the Prussians under Field Marshal von Blucher, defeated Napoleon at this battle in Belgium on June 18, 1815. Napoleon was then exiled to Saint Helena, a tiny island off the coast of Africa, where he later died.
Where Napoleon was exiled to and where he died
Congress of Vienna
Meeting between Austria, Russia, Prussia, Britain to reestablish peace after the defeat of Napoleon
Robert Castlereagh
The British foreign secretary and representative at the Congress of Vienna.
-wanted Britain to control foreign affairs
Klemmons Von Metternich
This was Austria’s foreign minister who wanted a balance of power in an international equilibrium of political and military forces that would discourage aggression
Holly Alliance
Orchestrated by Tsar Alexander I in 1815 after the Hundred Days War. Intended by Alexander to be a statement of Christian purpose and international concord, the first attempt at a modern peacekeeping organization, but wound-up as an alliance for the suppression of revolutionary and liberal activity in Europe. (Russia, Austria, Prussia)
Concert of Europe
(Aka. “Congress System”) Established at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815,) European powers agreed to have future Congresses to enforce treaty and address issues as they arise. Ended with the Congress of Verona (1822,) ultimately failed to progress toward international order since the Congress stood for nothing but the status quo.