Chapter 17 Era of National Unification Flashcards
Political Unification of iTALY Unification of Germany National awakening in Habsburg Lands
Count Camillo di Cavour
Prime minister of Piedmont-Sardinia
Helped organize Italy’s unification
Victor Emmanuel II
1849-1878, king of Piedmont Sardinia
Wanted a unified Italy
1861- king of unified Italy
Piedmont Sardinia
Italian peninsulas strongest, most liberal state. They basically unified Italy
Crimean War
France, England, and Ottomans VS. Russia.
Cavour (piedmont Sardinia) gave troops to England
Sardinia got a lot of territory as a result of the victory
German Customs unit, removed tariffs and taxes and trade barriers among Prussian (German) States
Economic unification
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Took Naples, Sicily and joined with Sardinia to unify Italy
Otto Von Bismark
1862- appointed prime minister of Prussia
-Prussian Junker
“iron Chancellor”
Wanted a smaller, united Germany
Realpolitik Politics
The pursuit of a nations self-interest based on realistic assessment of costs and consequences of actions
King William 1
Successor to Frederick William IV. He wanted to double the size of the army and require three years of compulsory military service for all young men. He appointed Otto von Bismarck as his Prime Minister and eventually became the emperor of the Second German Empire.
Schleswig - Holstein
Land taken from Denmark by Austria and Prussia.
Prussia took control after a short war with Austria (Austro-Prussian War)
Austro-Prussian War
A short war with Prussia gaining the territory of Holstein into its empire
North German Confederation
A new confederation that united 22 German states under a constitution and a parliament
Battle of Sadowa
Sadowa: The Austro-Prussian war (1866). Bismarck beat Austria and used the chance to isolate Austria, without kicking them in the face with hard peace settlements.
Battle of Sadowa/ Koniggratz
Sadowa: The Austro-Prussian war (1866). Bismarck beat Austria and used the chance to isolate Austria, without kicking them in the face with hard peace settlements.
-a fast peace
German Parliament
- limited power
- king had power over $ issues
Dual Monarchy
Hungary and Austria had a united rule
German campaign against Catholics
- discriminatory laws