Chapter 4 (3) - Integumentary System Flashcards
Lack of hair in spots; Baldness
Fatty; Relating to fat
Apocrine Glands
Glands that appear during and after puberty and secrete sweat, as from the armpits
Ceruminous Glands
Glands that secrete a waxy substance on the surface of the ear
Major protein substance that is tough and flexible and that forms connective tissue in the body
Thin band of epidermis that surrounds the edge of nails, except at the top
Layer of skin beneath the epidermis containing blood vessels, nerves, and some glands
Excretion of fluid by the sweat glands; sweating
Eccrine Glands
Sweat glands that occur all over the body, except where the apocrine glands occur
Outer portion of the skin containing several strata
Exocrine Glands
Glands that secrete through ducts toward the outside of the body
Skin and all the elements that are contained within and arise from it
Hard, horny protein that forms nails and hair
Half-moon shaped area at the base of the nail plate
Cell in the epidermis that produces melanin
Papillary Layer
Thin sublayer of the dermis containing small papillae (nipple-like masses)
Opening or hole, particularly in the skin
Reticular Layer
Bottom sublayer of the dermis containing reticula (network of structures with connective tissue between)
Sebaceous Glands
Glands in the dermis that open to hair follicles and secrete sebum
Oily substance, usually secreted into the hair follicle
Squamous Epithelium
Flat, scaly layer of cells that makes up the epidermis
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Layers of epithelial cells that make up the strata of epithelium of the epidermis
Layer of tissue, especially a layer of the skin
Stratum Corneum
Top sublayer of the epidermis
Stretch marks made in the collagen fibers of the dermis
Subcutaneous Layer
Bottom layer of the skin containing fatty tissue
Medical specialty that deals with diseases of the skin
Any fluid excreted out of tissue, especially fluid excreted out of an injury to the skin
Mantoux Test
Test for tuberculosis in which a small dose of tuberculin is injected intradermally with a syringe
Purified protein derivative of tuberculin
Schick Test
Test for diphtheria
Scratch Test
Test for allergic sensitivity in which a small amount of antigen is scratched onto the surface of the skin
Localized collection of pus and other exudate, usually accompanied by swelling and redness
Inflammatory eruption of the skin, occurring in or near sebaceous glands on the face, neck, shoulder, or upper back
Rare, congenital condition causing either partial or total lack of pigmentation
Alopecia Areata
Loss of hair in patches