Chapter 31 - Confronting Global and National Dilemmas, 1989-present Flashcards
Al Qaeda
network of radical Islamic terrorists organized by Osama bin Laden - called for holy war against Americans and responsible for 9/11 attacks
spread of political, cultural, and economic influences and connections among countries, businesses, and individuals around the world through trade, immigration, communication, and other means
World Trade Organization (WTO)
international economic body established n 1995 to enforce substantial tariff and import quota reductions
Group of Eight (G8)
international organization of the leading capitalist industrial nations: U.S., Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, Russia
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
1993 treaty that eliminated all tariffs and trade barriers among the U.S., Canada, and Mexico
multinational corporations
corporations with offices and factories in multiple countries, which expanded to find new markets and cheaper sources of labor
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
decentralized computer network developed in the late 1960s by the U.S. Department of Defense in conjunction with MIT (the internet eventually grew from ARPANET)
World Wide Web
collection of interlinked computer servers that debuted in 1991, allowing access to millions of documents, pictures, and other materials
culture war
long-standing political struggle between religious traditionalists and secular liberals
Immigration and Nationality Act
1965 law that eliminated discriminatory 1924 quotas, established a higher limit on total immigration, included provisions to ease entry of immigrants, and allowed immediate family members of legal U.S. residents to be admitted outside of the total numerical limit
promotion of diversity in gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual preference
Proposition 209
proposition approved by California voters in 1996 that outlawed affirmative action in state employment and public education
Operation Rescue
movement founded by religious activist Randall Terry in 1987 that mounted protests outside abortion clinics and harassed their staff and clients
Defense of Marriage Act
law enacted by Congress in 1998 that allowed states to refuse to recognize gay marriages or civil unions formed in other jurisdictions
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
1989 Supreme Court ruling that upheld the authority of state governments to limit the use of public funds and facilities for abortions
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey
1992 Supreme Court case that upheld a law requiring a 24-hour waiting period prior to abortion
Lawrence v. Texas
2003 landmark decision by the Supreme Court that limited the power of states to prohibit private homosexual activity between consenting adults
Contract with America
initiatives by Newt Gingrich of Georgia for significant tax cuts, reductions in welfare programs, anticrime measures, and cutbacks in federal regulations
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
legislation signed by President Bill Clinton which provided grants to states to assist the poor and which limited welfare payments to two years, with a lifetime maximum of five years
Economic Growth and Tax Relief Act
Bush’s 2001 legislation that slashed income tax rates, extended the earned income credit for the poor, and market the estate tax to be phased out by 2010
2001 law that gave the government new powers to monitor suspected terrorists and their associates, including the ability to access personal information
Abu Ghraib prison
prison near Baghdad, Iraq where American guards were photographed during the Iraq War abusing and torturing suspected insurgents
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
economic stimulus bill passed in 2009 (in response to the Great Recession) that provided $787 billion to state and local government for schools, hospitals, and transportation projects
Tea Party
set of far-right opposition groups that emerged during Obama’s first term and gave voice to exterme individualism and antigovernment sentiment
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
2010 healthcare reform bill that established nearly universal health insurance by providing subsidies and compelling larger businesses to offer coverage to employees
Osama bin Laden
leader of Al Qaeda
Bill Clinton
42nd president
Hillary Rodham Clinton
former First Lady and Secretary of State; 2016 presidential candidate
Newt Gingrich
Georgia representative responsible for Contract with America initiatives
Monica Lewinsky
former White House intern who had an affair with Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
43rd president
Saddam Hussein
president of Iraq during 9/11 attacks
Barack Obama
44th president and first African American president